Why do we get very good  result when we worship under
the tree of Ficus glomerata ?

We know the tree Ficus glomerata which is called as
Owdumbara in Sanskrit language. The ripen fruit has got
 some kind of sweetness. This is species of fig tree.

In the Kruta yuga, when the Lord Sree Maha Vishnu was in the
 incarnation of Kurma avatara (form of Tortoise) , Mandhata ,
 the great king was ruling the Earth.  

 At that time,  when the  planet Jupiter was
in the position of elevation,
 on the Maagha Suddha Dasami and also Wednesday
 ( the Wednesday should come on  the tenth day of full
moon of Maagha maasa ) and that too at noon , by the
  power Sage, Gowtama Maharshi   the Gowthami river was
manifested  (got appearance) under the Owdumbara tree
( Ficus glomerata tree).

When the Gowthami river was formed, then the Sage,
Gowthama Maharshi took a Kusah ( one kind of grss used
in religious observances) and turned round  the water flow
 of Gowthami river and made it to flow ahead. 

Hence  the sacred river Gowthami was formed 
under the Owdumbara tree ,
 that Owdumbara tree has got fame religious wise. 

The shadow of that Ficus glomerata tree has
become holy by that reason. 

Hence it is said if we worship or do any sacred Homas or
Yagas under that Owdumbura tree one will have the
most auspicious results for that.

Which Flowers are meritorious (renowned) for which ?

We know that we do worship the God or Goddess not only
on Festival time but also in day to day life.  Every day
 in the morning   we do pooja after bath. 

Flowers takevery good place for worship of God. The fragrant flowers
which are said in the scripts are used for the Archana (worship).

But the Flowers are also useful and benefit for other purpose in our lives.
The Lotus flower is the symbolic for Goddess Sree Maha Lakshmi.

 So, if  those flowers are carved on the mail entrance doors
(Simha Dwaram) auspicious.

There is a relation between the Linseed Tree
(Sesbania grandiflora) and the Star of Agasthya Maharshi . 

Suppose, if that Linseed Tree is grown in westren side of the
 house, the Evil Spiritual forces do  not enter into the house.

If the  Sree Chakram ( Goddess Yantram) is worshipped
with Parijatha flowers (Nyctanthes arbortristis) by spatter them
one will get good results. The Parijatham flower tree which
was a celestial tree in the mythology brought by 
Lord Sree krishna from the Indra Loka
 for the sake of Satyabhama. The Lord  brought that celestial tree
and dent in the garden of His palace.

The Timber tree called Ferwinalia alata has got its flowers. 

It is called as Arjunah in Sanksrit Language.There are two kinds of Timber
trees. One is black and another is white. But the white timber tree
 has got the quality of medicine for the treatment. 

These flowersare suggested for the worship. If we worship
the Goddesses withthose white timber tree flowers, 
one will get the auspicious results.

We know the plant called Coccinia indica which is Bimbam in
Sanskrit language and also used for vegetable curry. These
Coccinia indica flowers are so benefic for the  people those who
want progeny.  This tree is also called forest Coccinia Indica.  

Those who want children they worship the creeper of that Coccinia Indica.
Some believe if these flowers are adorned  in the head , certainly
 the woman will beget child.

Why should not we  give money to others   
on Tuesdays and Fridays ?

Earning money is very  difficult than spending it.
Construction is so difficult but the destruction is very easy.
All we know “Dhana moola midam Jagat”. The entire world
 rounds around the money.  If we earn the money by hard work,
 the others spend it with no strain . Some people spend the money
 for the sake of their comforts and luxuries and some others spend
it  for their fame, popularity and power.

Suppose, in an ordinary family,  who is a head of that,
 works hardand earns the money  at the end of the month or in the
 week end.  

Then the family members start to spend that master’s
earned money  with out any proper plan. What  is use, if it is
 going on like that unless if the money is not saved. Simply
 it can be  said, one can become insolvent.

With all that, our elders said , atleast if the money is controlled
 twice in a week,  otherwise one can not  be survived in life. 

So that two days EW given in a week  for the relaxaion
of spending money.

Those two days are Tuesday and Friday.
Like wise, on Amavasya day (the last day of black
 fortnight i.e., Krishna Paksha) one should not borrow the
 money from others and lend it from others.

This custom might be so benefic to every one for saving the
 money. But the Sastras say, in the  suffering troubles
the above said principle is not applicable.  One has to help
others when they are in real troubles.

Why the Salt is not to be theft. ?

It is said the Salt should not be trampled upon out feet.  Also  the Salt should
 not be borrowed from others and should not give that to others with our hands.

The Salt is the symbolic for the Planet Saturn.  In olden days the Salt was not
 available easily. By making hard trails the people used to accquire that. 

And also it was said with difficulty the salt which was accquired, 

the people used to feel that it was the Amsa (part) of the Saturn and
 the symbolic of the Yama Dharma Raja.

As it was in the custom of people, the Salt was not  borrowed from others.
And also it was not theft. 

At certain age,   it is good that we should not use the Salt in the butter milk or curd.

On which side the oil lamps are placed for
 worshipping the God  ?

We all do worship the God and Goddess  with the oil lamps.
For that we use pine or very little plates made of mud which is called
as Mruddipah . The Silver pines or Panchloha  ( made with five metals )
 pines can also be used. All those lamps must be placed only besides
 the God’s Idol. Not in front of that.

Compulsorily two wicks are used. One wick should not be  used
and if it is used for worship that is a  great Dosha. Once the pine
is used that should not be again used. It should be washed.

When we worship the God or Goddess, the Lamps should  not be
 placed in front of them. For the Lord Maheswarah the lamp should be
placed left side. For the God Sree Mahavishnuh the lamp must be
placed right side of the God.

If we worship the God or Goddess one can attain a very good
companionship and good family.

The women live as Sumangali and  can beget good progeny.

Worshiping with the Lamps means getting the blessings of Goddess also.

The Sins of the previous births caused (carried ) 
to the experiencing 
results in this present.  Birth. What are they ?

In Hindu Phylosophy and the Sacred Scripts  say that what we are experiencing 
either good or bad in this birth is the return or retribution (pratiphalam) of the 
good or bad what we did in our previous births.
That is simply said  “Prarbda Karma Phalam” whether 
it is Sukrutam or Dushkrutam.

Let us see know, If any one who did Brahma Hatya in his previous birth, 
he will  born as a patient of Kshaya which is tuberculosis. 

Who does the Go Hatya (slaughts the cow) he will born as a Dwarf.  

Who kills a woman he will take birth of chronical disease for which
there is no cure. 

 The Brahmin who eats meat, he will be born as leprosy patient.

  He insults and degrades the Ancient Vedic Scripts and Sastras,
 he will born with chlorosis.  

Who steals a book from others he will born as a blind. 

Who tells lies in the court he will born as dumb. 

Who listens falshood he will take a birth as deaf. 

Who steals salt he will born as an ant. 

Who does adultery he takes birth as an elephant in the forest.

 One  who i visits the function without invitation, that
he will born as a Crow.  

Who cheats his friend, the cheater will born as a eagle.

 Who cheats in the business while selling his goods, he will
become as an Owl.

 The lady who is shrew (nagging) will born as Leech.

The woman who cheats her husband will take birth as Lizard. 

Who wants to copulate his teacher’s  spouse, that man takes
birth as Chameleon.  

One who is having too much lust  he will born as Horse.  

The person who tortures his wife he will born as  a Goat.

The Glory of Mantra-Diksha ....

1)      Man cannot live by bread alone; but he can live repeating the Name of the Lord along. 
2) A Yogi crosses the ocean of Samsara by his Chitta-vritti-nirodha, controlling the
modifications that arise in the mind; a Jnani by his Brahmakara-Vritti (by raising 
the pure thought of Infinity); and a Bhakta by doing Nama –Smarana. There is 
no end of Lord’s powers.
3) The Name of the Lord has a very great power. It brings you face to face
with the Supreme Being and makes you realise your oneness with the 
Infinite and the whole world at large. It bestows immortality. Feel the
wonderful and infinite power the Name of the Lord possesses and chant 
His Name constantly. Time if fleeting . The best way to utilise it is to
remember Him, to chant His Name, sing His glories and meditate on Him.
 4) The Name of Rama turns impossible into possible. It was by the 
glory of Rama-Nama that the stones floated in water, and the bridge, 
the Setu (Varadhi ) over the sea, was built by Sugriva and his 
companions at Rameshvaram. It was Rama-Nama that cooled Prahlada, 
when he was thrown into a conflagration of fire.
 5) Any Name of the Lord is nectar. It is sweeter than sugar-candy. 
It is the essence of the Vedas. Amrita came out, in days of yore, 
during the process of the churning of the ocean by the Devas and 
the Asuras. Even so by churning  the four Vedas, the Name of Rama, 
the nectar, ws brought out to quench the three kinds of Taapa (affliction)
of the ignorant Jivas. Drink it again and again by constant repetition, 
just as Valmiki did in days long gone by.
 6) The world without Hari Sankeertana is only a burial ground.
 7) Japa is a very great purifier. It checks the force of the thought-current
moving towards objects and forces the mind to move towards God.
 8) Japa eventually helps in obtaining Darshan of God.. The 
Mantra-Chaitanya is hidden in every Mantra.
  9) Japa reinforces the Sadhana-Sakti of the Sadhaka. It makes him 
morally and spiritually strong.
 10) The vibration produced by the chanting of a Mantra corresponds 
to the original vibration that arose from Hiranyagarbha.
 11) The rhythmical vibration produced through Japa regulates the 
unsteady vibration of the five sheaths.
12) Japa changes the mind-stuff from worldliness to spirituality, from 
Rajas and activity to Sattva and illumination.
13) The Name of the Lord is an inexhaustible storehouse of the 
spiritual knowledge.
14) Even mechanical repetition of a Mantra plays a great part in the 
evolution of the soul. Even a simple parrot-like repetition of a Mantra, 
too, is beneficial. It has got its own effect.

(Courtesy from The Divine Life Society, Sivanandanagar, Rishikesh, Uttarakhand)

The Rules for  Japa....

1)  Select any Mantra or Name of God (preferably that given by your Guru) and repeat 
it from one Mala to two hundred Malas daily.

  2) Use a Rudraksha or Tulasi (Basil) Mala of 108 beads. 

 3) Use only the middle finger and thumb of the right hand for rolling the beads.  

4) Do not allow the Mala to hang below the navel. Keep the hand near the heart
or the nose.  

5) The Mala must not be visible to you or others. Cover it with a towl 
which must be pure and washed daily.

  6)  Do not cross the Maru of the Mala while rolling the beads Turn back
when you come up to it. 

 7) Do mental Japa as long as possible. If the mind wanders, take to labial 
Japa for some time, or loud Japa, by rotaion, and come back to mental
Japa again as soon as possible.

  8)  Take a bath, or wash your hands, feet face and mouth before sitting
for Japa in absolutely necessary. Do Japa whenever you have leisure, 
specially during the Sandhyas  or the junctions of the day (morning, noon and evening) 
and before going to bed.

  9) Associate the Japa with rhythemic breathing or Pranayama and meditate on the form of your Deity. Keep a picture or idol of the Deity in front. 

 10) Think of the meaning of the Mantra while repeating it. 

 11) Pronounce each letter of the Mantra correctly and distinctly.  

12)  Do not repeat the Mantra either too fast or too slow. Increase the 
speed only when the mind wanders. 

 13)  Observe Mouna (silence) and avoid distractions, calls or engagements
at the time of doing Japa. 

 14)  Face the East or the North and sit in a separate medition room or any
good place, such as temple, river-bank, under a banyan tree or a peepal tree, etc.,

 15) Do not beg of God any wordly objects. 

 16) While doing Japa, feel that your heart is being purified and the mind is
becoming steady by the power of the Mantra with the grace of God. 

 17) Keep your Guru-Mantra a secret. Never disclose it to anyone.  

18) Practise to sit in one steady pose during the Japa.

  19) Keep a regular account of your Japa and try to increase the number gradually. 

20) Carry on the current of Japa mentally, even at other times, whatever
work you may be engaged in. 

(Courtesy from The Divine Life Society, Sivanandanagar, Rishikesh, Uttarakhand)

Remember This .....

Japa purifies the heart.  Japa steadies the mind. 

 Japa destroys the Shadripus (Arishadvargas i.e., Kama, Krodha,
 Lobha, Moha, Mada and  Matsarya ).  

Japa destroys the  birth and death.  

 Japa burns sins.  Japa scorches Samskaras.

  Japa annihilates attachment.  Japa induces Vairagya. 

 Japa roots out all desires.  Japa makes one fearless.  

Japa removes delusion.  Japa gives supreme peace.  

Japa develops Prema.  Japa unites the devotee with the Lord.  
Japa gives health, wealth, strength and long life. 

 Japa brings God-Consciousness.  Japa bestows eternal Bliss.

 Japa awakens the Kundalini.  Japa introduces one to spirituality. 

Japa marvellously cleanses the impurities of the physical sheath.

(Courtesy from The Divine Life Society, Sivanandanagar, Rishikesh., Uttarakhand)