1. The Wonders of  Wordly Detachments, really  they are not.. But,  what are they ?

The meaning of Detachment ( it is called  Vairagyam in Sanskrit Language )  is  renouncing the world which is quite opposite to the Attachment. The attachment  means   engrafted from the  root  (cementing) with the Samsara ( Ahmkara and Mamakara which  is “I” and “My”) which can not be abandoned from us births together.
 I am and my family, my wife, my children,  my wealth, my power, my status my qualification, my beautiness, my assets,  my palace  etc., every thing is purely attachment in the mind.
 Suppose if we have everything what is  said above ,will  we be  really happy in the mundane world ?. If we  go deep into the reality of attachment, we can proximately  know that there is no happiness, no comfortness, no peace at all except sufferings and sorrowness. For this we can not give any explanation as we are having   attachment lives.So we can give so many  best  examples about the results of attachment  which is  nothing  but hell.. Although knowing this truth we can not come out of from the mouths of wild animals of attachment.
No one said leave this Samsara (wife children, family etc) but live in this world like a water drop on the lotur petal.
If we detache from the attachment truly we can have a supreme bliss for ever. This is more than 100% true. Only great Souls like  Adi Sankaracharya, Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, and  many others  could  detach from the Samsara means rebirth..  We believe in the rebirth. Punarapi Jananam Punarapi Maranam ( again birth and again death ... the circle goes on with endless). The Pakruti Maya (Natural Delusion) is so mightier  than any thing in this world.
 But ... even then   we sometimes illusionarly fall into the  feelings of detachment for certain time on some occasions.
On three occasions  the feelings of detachment from this world happen .
They are called  1) Prasuti Vairagyam , 2) Smasana Vairagyam , 3) Purana Vairagyam.
1)      Prasuti Vairagyam . Prasuti means giving birth to a child. Vairagyam means detachment (renouncing).
Every woman after marriage leads the marital life  with her husband so happily. She thinks that marital life is iteself a Heaven. But after her pregnancy when 9 months completed, at  the time of parturition (labour)  in the  maternity ward when she suffers a lot  with  unbearable labour pains, she prays God and  thinks she does not want  any happy marital  life with husband for the child to give birth.But after giving birth to the baby, after few days, she lives with her husband  as it is what she was .  This is called Prasuti Vairagyam
2)     Smasana Vairagyam. Smasana means grave yard.
If we see a dead body or look at the mortal body in the burial ground  we just fall into Vairagyam and remain in thought of that one day we  will also   die and leave this world , then why should we live with all these wicked thoughts and do deceiptful and harmful deeds to others.. he remians in the feelings of detachment for  some time. When once he leaves the grave yard we forget and live  as it is  ... what we were  . This is called Smasana Vairagyam.
3)     Puran Vairagyam. Purana means Mythological (ancient  text )
A well learned scholar  teaches about the Reality and Unreality of the world and, mortality and immortality of the life   though the characters of the Mythological scriptures. The listeners go to the Temples in the morning and evening and  listen to those teachings from him. They can understand and accept the truth of  the life. Life  is not permanant. Any moment  one will die. Life is like a bubble. Its life is so momentary. Like wise we are also temporary  as they think and fall into the deep Vairagya Bhava (the feelings of detachment). At that time they memorize  about the life’s many hardships, grieves, temporary happiness, and pains. But once when they leave that sacred place, he lives  (they live)  as it is ... what he was (they were)..
So the  most wonderful thing of this life is the  man/woman  always has  those three kinds of Vairagyas which are circumstantially temperary. Are these  are not wonders ?.


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