How many kinds of baths ?

We know that every one takes bath  with water. But it is said there are some kinds of baths during certain occasions.The Pious and  also Othodoxy people follow the rituals of such kind of baths.
Maanasa Snanam, Dhyana Snanam, Mantra Snanam and Divyatwa Snanam.
Maanasa Snanam (bath) : Scrubing the sacred ashes (Vibhuti)  around the body and worship Lord Maheswara.
Dhyana Snanam : It is also named as Varunam. This kind of bath is done by remembering Sacred Rivers like Ganges, Saraswati, Godavari, Krishna, Kaveri etc at their places     “Gange cha Yamune chaiva Godavari Saraswati, Narmade Sinchu Kaveri Jalesmin Sannidhim Kuru. ”
Mantra Snanam :  Taking the bath By Chanting the Hymns (from Vedic Scripts)
Mruttika Snanam : Means the mud which  brought from the Sacred Rivers and Holy Places and taking the bath with that.
Celestial Snanam :  In the Uttarayana season  taking bath   when it is raining in the Sunshine which is Celestial of all.


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