In this Universe the Time and Date unitedly play a cardinal role not only in the lives of human beings and also on the other creatures. Without both of them no life is existed and nothing is existed. For everything in the life the Time and Date are the root cause for the Birth and Death, Joyness and Sorrow, Success and Failure , Sleeping and Awaking, troubles and Happiness, Wealth and Poverty,loss and gain for what not? If we decompose any thing we can know immediately the answer could be the Time and Date. If we contemplate the pair of that, we will accept the truth and also astonish about that. The wonderful truth in this universe is Time and Date and simultaneously which can not be judged, estimated and imagined even for scholars and intellectuals.
In our lives, man always follows and depends on the Almanac.. Without that he can not live and can not do any thing. Right from the birth, till the departure of his Soul from the mortal body he does all ritual things according to the signs given by the Almanc. The good and bad in the particular time of a particular date, what man always solicitously watches and tries to know the perception.
In our Mythology, Brahma Devah in the Trimurthy is the Creator having five faces (Panchaanana). The five faces look towards the East, South, West, North and elevation. The Hindu Alamanac is called as Panchangam. Panchangam means the calendar which has five limbs (branches). So the Panchangam was born from the five faces of Brahma Deva who is a Creator.
In the Panchangam the five limbs (branches) are Tidhi, Vaara, Nakshatra, Yoga and Karanam. Now, from the first face of Brahma Deva which look towards the East, the Tidhi has come out. From the second face towards the South, the Vaaram was born. From the third face towards the West, the Nakshatra has come out. From the fourth face towards the North, the Yoga was born. And the last, the fifth face towards the elevation, the Karanam has come out. Hence , the confluencing of these five limbs (branches) are called Panchangam.
The wealth and longvity (Ayuh) are increased due to Tidhi and Vaaram. The declining of Sinful from the Nakshatra, the perishing of diseases from the Yoga and the attaining of success from the Karanam will be happened.
Tidhi: In a calendar there are fifteen (15) Tidhis. In a month (30 days) the first 15 days are Sukla Paksha and the next 15 days are Krishna Paksha. So the Tidhis are repeated again.
Vaaram: (Weeks) We know there are seven weeks.
Nakshatra : (Stars) The Nakshatras are 27.
Yoga : Yogas are 27.
Karanam: The Karanams are 11.
According to the Almanac we have Lunar system and Solar system. Some of our Indians follow Lunar system ( Chandra Maana) and some other follow Solar system (Surya Maana). The Chandra Maana (Lunar bases) starts every year from Chaitra Maasa Sukla Paksha Padhyami onwards which almost comes either in March or April. The Surya Maana (Solar bases) starts when Sun enters the Aries. That almost begins either on 14th April or sometimes 15th April of every year.
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