Why we should not eat Indian Gooseberry ( Phyllenthus Emblica) (Amalaki)
on Sundays ?

Indian Gooseberry (Phyllenthus Emblica) is a fruit means it is Amalaki in sanskrit language which contains more “C” Vitamin.  It is used mostly in Ayurvedi medicines like Triphala Choornam,Chyavana Prasa etc., This fruit contains Acid.  Most of the Hindus make pickles with this fruit which is good for health. In the Kaartika Masa , immediately next day to the Deepavali  that tree is worshipped for 30 days.

Sunday is also  called as Adivarah or Ravi Varah. According to the Astrology Ravi Varah (Sunday) belongs to the planet Sun (Surya Graha).
 There is enemity between Sun and Venus. But here in this fruit Phyllenthus Emblica, it contains complete Acid ( C Vitamin). Acidity belongs to the planet Venus (Sukra Graha).As there is enemity between Sun and Venus ( Surya and Sukra), that fruit either in the form of pickles or curries or , Rasam etc should not be eaten on Sundays. Even at the time of suffering from cold it is advised not to take that Emblica fruit., 


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