What are the reasonable ways of earning money from Manu Smrutih ?
Manu wrote in his Manu Smruthi how to live a man in the society by following the justice and customs in every step. Dharma (Alms) is the ultimate goal to the mankind even in the hardships, he utters in each Sloka.
Regarding earning money, Manu says it is rightful if the money comes through the seven ways to a man, then there will not be any unjustful . If not, the money would be illegal for the man to enjoy it in his life. The lawful money is ...
“ Sapta Vittaagamaa Dharmyaadaayo Laabhah Krayojayah Prayogah Karma yogascha Satpratigraha eva chah ”
1. Inheritable assets from his kith and kin, 2. Any mines from his ground, or any money from his friends, 3. By purchasing any asset or any valubale thing, 4.by defeting the other King who is enemy (means other king’s kingdom or any property), 5. By means of Interest which is so lawful without doing harm to others, 6. By means of business and cultivation, 7. By taking Gift or Donation or Charity which totally rightful at that time. But for earning money through Interest he said so many laws.
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