The Consequence for the repeation of  Mantra of Prayer (Japah) at different places. What are they ?

 We know some of us take Mantra Deeksha (the vow for repeation of prayer) and do the Sadhana by counting of the beads of Rosary. The Mantra may be a Panchakshari, or Ashtakshari or Dwadasaakshari like this.But It is said if we do the Japam (repeation of Prayers) at the Prayer hall of our house, the result will be to  some extent. At the places of Sacred Rivers like Ganges, Godavari, Krishna, Kaveri etc., the result will be two fold than the houses. If the  same Japam is done in the cow-shed (Gosaala) would be the result of 100 times. If it is in the Yaga Saala (Sacred place for Hawan, Sacrifice) the result will be more than in the  Gosaala.If the Japam is done in the Sacred places like Haridwar, Triveni Sangamam (Prayaga), Kasi, Pushkara time the result will be ten thousand times. If it is in the presence of Lord Shiva the result would be superior than the above. If the Japam is done by sitting  on the Vyaghrajinam (the skin of a Tiger) or Krishnaajinam (skin of a black deer) will attain Moksha. If the places like floor, soil, screen of bamboos,wood etc., one will get sorrows, defame, poverty, diseases and other negative results. Rugvedah and Saamavedah both once reformed as a Deer on some circumstance. So the Krishnajinam (the skin of a Deer) is supreme to all..


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