What are the Ashtabhogas, Ashtamadamu (eight Arrogances) and 
Ashta Gandhas ?

In this world . by the creation  of man’s materialistic intelligence there are
 so many things can seen if we go through deeply.
But in the mythological scripts it is said certain things particularly called as a 
group which make the man downfall by his meanful lust.
But if it is under control and limit everything would be fine and happy. If it
 exceeds it spoils us.

The Ashtabhogas (eight luxuries) :
The cooked rice, the Cloths, the Sandalwood paste, the fragrant flowers, the comfortable bed, 
the pan ( betels and betel-nut), the beautiful woman and the melodious Music.

The Ashtamadamu (arrogance) :
The arrogance due to wealth, the arrogance due to woman, the
isolence by education, the arrogance by one’s own community, by his/her beautiness, by his profession, by his /her youthness, by possessing his food.

The Ashtagandham:
The Musk, the Goroodzanam ( fragrant medicinal substance taken from the 
Cow’s belly), the Saffron (the plant and polien of the flowers of Crocus sativus), the
 Devadaru (the Deodar tree called Pinus longifolia), the Patchakarpoor ( the edible camphor), 
the Agaru ( kind of sweet-smelling grass or wood used in preparing perfurmes, the Sree Gandham ( superior kind of sandal wood or Sri Chandanam) and  the Raktachandanam ( red sandal wood called Pterocarpus santalims).  By preparing with all those eight gandhas are 
called Ashtagandham.


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