Does the Saneeswarah ( The Saturn) in the Astrology like the walking and roaming ?

In Astrology, the Planet Saturn is also called as Mandah which means very slow. Every two and a half years the Saturn changes its place from one sign to another in the Zodiac. The Saturn is known as Saneeswarah and also a Deity. He does give the result solwly.

In Hindu Mythology it is said he is a devotee to God Sri Mahavishnu. The Saneeswarah likes walking so much. So many devotees those who visit the Navagraha temple for worshipping, they do many times pradakshinas for Saneeswara (Saturn planet). They pray for the favour from Him. As per Astrological readings, the Devotees who have the running period of Saturn , not only praying and worshipping but also enchant the Sree Vishnu Sahasranama Stotram many times to get rid of their hardships and troubles etc.,

Regarding walking, people generally prefers do the morning walking. Health point of view also walking gives the best result even the medicines does not. The Diabetic patients should do the walking for the control of it besides taking respective medicine. Walking make the men healthy in the point of heart preblems, blood pressure, tensions, weakness etc., The walking makes feels good also. If anybody gets angry on any body, elders advise better to go out for walking for the freshness of the mind. Walking is the remedy for the great relief. Due to Walking, the intelligence will develop, the concentration will get improved and the mind gets stimulated with many good thoughts. Walking is related to the Nature. The Nature is the symbolic for the purity of heart.
Unless one can not have the impact of Saturn (Saneeswara’s) , he does not undergo the toil. Walking is also one kind of excercise which means fatigue. Saneeswarah isa symbol for the labour. So the Saneeswara likes walking. Most of the Travellers and Tourists definitely have the effect of the Saturn on them, so that they do that kind of tour to many distant places in the Globe. Great people in this world accomplished their victories by walking also.


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