What is the Brahmee Muhurtam ?

Brahmee Muhurta is the most auspicious time for all the Dhyana, Tapah, Japa and also for Yoga etc., Hindus believe this Muhurta does not have any dosha for kinds of rituals.

In the Kruta Yuga, Kasyapa Brahma’s wife was Vinata. Anoorah was born to those Sage couple. But mMother Vinata was so eagerly wanted to see her son, she broke the egg of the ovum before Anoorah was born. On that reason, Anoorah was born with a half body. He was the Charioteer of the Sun God.

Brahma Deva made Anoorah as a Charioteer to the Sun and said to him when you stay in the Bhoolokah, the time itself is Brahma Muhurta which is Brahmee Muhurta. At that time, any kind of Dosham (evil effect) can not be worked out. Means the Stars, or the Planets can not show their evil effects on all the human beings. With this blessings, Anoorah was given that boon by Brahma Deva. And also Anoorah was made a Charioteer to the Sun by Brahma Deva


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