The Directions (Disah) (Compass-Points) and their ruling Deities. What are they ?
Scientifically it might be said in different way. But the Hindus believe so strongly the God Sun is the Karma Sakshi and the life begins from his rising time. He sets in the West. In the building construction point of view also we follow the systems so certainly according to the Vasthu Siddhanta. We know the Compass –Point directions are the East, South, West and North. Not only this there are some angular directions in between the two directions. So some other four directions like South East, South West, North West, and North East are also added to the above four. Then total eitht (8) directions are being considered.
For each Disah (direction) there is one Ruling Deity. For all the eight Directions, there are eight deities, there wifes, names of the Vehicles on which they go, their dwelling places, and their weapons are also given.
Direction (Disah) -Ruling Deity- Deity’s wife- Vehicle- dwell -Weapon
1)The East -Indrah – Sacheedevi – The Iravata-Amaravati- Vajrah
2) The South east- Agni- Swahadevi- The Ram- Tejopati- Sakti
3) The South - Yamah - Syamala Devi- t he Buffalo- Samyamani-Pasah
4)The SouthWest- Nairuti Deerghadevi- Narah- Krishnangana-Sulam
5)TheWest-Varunah-Kalikadevi-Crocodile-Sraddhavati-Dandam (Stick)
6)The North West-Vayuh- Anjanadevi- the Deer- Gandhavati-Dwajah
7) The North – Kuberah- Chitralekha- Horse-Alakapuri- Khadgam
8) The North East- Lord Sivah- Parvati –Vrushabhah- Kailasam-Trisulam
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