The  Vegetable curries  should not be eaten on different Tidhis (days ) of  Almanac. What are they ?

We know about the  two categories of food followers, one is Vegetarians and another is Non – Vegetarians who eat meatetc.,  Vegetarian food is  always  good for the health. Even in the westren. Europe  and other foreign countries these days the importance is given for Vegetarian food as it is found  scientifically  which is benefic for the health. In India we can see there are  crores  of people who are purely Vegetarians.  All these people eat only all kinds of  Vegetables. But it is said in the  Sastras, according to the to the days of the Almance ,we must not ear  some of the Vegetables on those days. There are  ..

On Padhyami Tidhi (first day from either every  Amavasya, or Full Moon day) the curry made with Pumpkin should not be eaten. So Pumpkin should not be cooked.  2)On Vidiya day (second day from Full Moon day or Amavasya) a kind of gourd brinjal which is small in size and light green colour. 3)  On Tadiya (third day ) snake gourd. 4) On Chavithi tidhi (fourth day)  Raddish. 5) On Panchami tidhi (fifth day) Bilva ( tree of the species, the leaves of which are sacred for Lord Siva, it is also called Maaredu). 6 ) On Shashti tidhi (sixth day) Neem. 7) On Saptami tidhi (seventh day) any fruit and its unripen . 8 ) On Ashtami tidhi (eighth  day) Coconut fruit. 9) On Navami tidhi (9th day) LUffa which is  bottle gourd. 10) On Dasami tidhi (10th day) Batstali having creeper , name of a plant used in preparing dishces like curry (Upodaki  in sanskrit word) 11) On Ekadasi tidhi (11th day)  any kind of meat. 12) On Dwadasi tidhi (12th day) any kind of meat. 13) On Trayodasi Tidhi (13th day) Drum stick. On Chaturdasi Tidhi (14th day) Any item made with Black Gram. These items and conditions are repeated cyclic wise for the other next 14 days.


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