Are you bringing up  (cultivating) the 
Plantain tree at your backyard ?

The fruits are the highest  ambrosia  in this
 Globe in the health point of view. 

They are the best medicine for
 nourshing the bodies.

All the people in the world like
to eat all kinds of fruits.

But all  the fruits are yeilded only in some
particular  seasons  except the Banana tree. 

In a year , 365 days the plantain tree
produces its fruits and available everywhere.

The Banana fruit contains the Megnisium

more which is good for health, but it is medically
advised that fruit should not be taken by the kidney patients.

Those who are backyard in their house,
most of the people try to bring up the plaintain trees.

One tree yeilds only once in a year. After that,
 the plantain tree is used for in different necessary situations.

The flower  and the trunk are cooked
as dishes which is good for health.

The plantain leaves are used as plates

to eat our food on which is scientifically good.

The trunks with their  leaves  are used for
auspicious occasions and also in the festival time.

No Temple, or no house can not be
seen without a banana and leaves.

Such a traditional and useful
 custom which  we follow can be estimated.

So, in all aspects the plantain tree is useful and benefit to us.


To bring up the Plantain tree in the
backyard is advisable.

 But according to the some Vastu siddhantam ,

 it is said, in the southern direction of the

backyard, growing up the tree is meant
for the prosperity of the family in future time also.

In the direction of West, cultivating
the plantain tree  causes for fortune for acquiring wealth.

In the backyard of the house, in the
northern side, if the plantain tree is
cultivated that would be caused for loosing money.

If the Banana Tree is grown up in the
Eastern direction of the backyard, that would give us honour and fame.

If the plantain tree is cultivated in the
eastern side , that would be most auspicious to us.

In the Nairuthi disa means in the South west
 direction of the backyard, if the plantain
 tree is brought up  that gives the progeny.

If the Banana tree is cultivated in the Eesaanya
disa means North eastern direction, we can have the name and fame.


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