Who are the chief Deities for the Stars ?

According to the Astrology, the zodiac consists of Planets
and Stars and their movement. The positions
of the planets , stars and the sins,
their combinations etc., the results would be predicted.

The Stars are twenty seven.
For the first star, the Aswani, the chief of that  star is Aswani Deities.
The chief of the Bharani Star is Yama Dharma raja.
For the Kruttika Nakshatram, the Adhipathi (head) is Agnih.
The head of the star, Rohini is Brahmadeva.
For Mrugaseersha star, the chief is Adithee.
The head of the Pushyami star is Brihaspathi.
The chief of the Ashlesha star,  is Sarpas.
For the Makha nakshatra , the chief is Pitrudevatas.
For the Pubba or Poorva phalguni star, the chief is Aryamah.
The chief of the star, Uttara phalguni, is Bhargah.
For the Hasta nakshatra , the chief is the sun in the name of Aditya.
The chief of the Chitta star is Twashtra deitiy.
For the star Swathi, the head is Vaayu deva.
The head of the star Visakha, is Indragnih.
For the star Anuradha, the chief deity is Jala Devata.
The chief of the star, Uttarashada, the chief is Siswah.
For the star Sravana , the head is Sree Mahavishnu.
The chiefs of the star, Dhanishta are Ashtavasuvu.
The  Varuna deity is the chief for the birth Satabhisha .
For the nakshatra, Purvabhadra, in the Siva rupa of Ajaikapadah.
The chief of the star Uttarabhadra, is Ahirbhuddhi.
For the star of Revati, the chief is Surya and adhidevatas.


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