What are the things that dispel (takes away)
 our spritual merit (Punyam) ?

In general  every man wants to do some

 kind of good deeds  in the form of charity and

also helping others by any means.

By this , he feels that he will attain some

 punyam that repays him  the good  in his next birth.

We need not say about the  virtuous person as

 he does many good deeds and offer charities  to needy

 in his  spiritual and philosophical life.  

But the Punyam which is earned through  the

good deeds will be removed if we do

certain negative things without  our knowledge.

The scriptures say .. if we  walk through

 middle of the flock of sheep, if we go through

in the middle of wife and husband, like wise,

if we walk through in the middle of

a teacher and his student, like wise

in between  two Brahmins, Sages,

 in the middle of the Lord Siva and Nandi ,

all these things certainly dispel ( remove) our

Punyam and more over , our previous

 punyam will also be taken away.

While brooming ,the dust and dirt

should not be touched our feet.

The dust which comes from the

flock of sheep when  they walk

 should not also be touched to us.

Like wise, many things are given in the scriptures.


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