What are the Vedas and  how they are 
diverged into all directions ? –V

About the Upanishads, the eleven Upanishads which are  most essential
and came into limelight because of  the complete annotations were
 given by SreeAdi Sankaracharya.
We know the Upanishads were derived from the Vedas only.

The Isavaasyopanisht, Kenopanishat, Kathopanishat, Prasnopanishat,
Mandukyopanishat, Mundakopanishat, Swetaswataropanishat,
Ttaittareeyopanishat, Itareyopanishat, Chandagyopanishat and
the Bruhadaranyakopanishat.

The Mundakopanishat, the Mandukyopanishat and the Prasnopanishat
are these three Upanishats  belong to the Adharvana vedam.

The Brudaanyakopanishat, the Kathopanishat, the Isavasyopanishat,
the Swetaaswataropanishat, and the Ttaittareeyopanishat are
belonging to the Yajurvedam.

The Kenopanishat and the Chandogyopanishat both these Upanishats
belong to the Saamavedam.

The Itareyopanishat only one Upanishat belong to the Rugvedam.

The Mahavaakyas which are celebrated from the eleven Upanishats
have an excellent evaluation in the Philosophical scriptures.

The Mahavakyas are  1. “ Ayamaatma Brahma”.
2. “Pragnaanam Brahma”,  3. “Tattwamasi”,
4. “Aham Brahmasmi”.

The Mahavaakya “ Pragnanam Brahma” extracted from the
Itareyopanishat which derived from the Rugvedam.

The Mahavaakya “ Aham Brahmasmi” which is genealoged from the
Bruhadaranyakopanishat which is obtained from the Yajurvedam.

The Mahavaakya “ Tattwamasi” derived from the Chandagyopanishat
which is derived from the Saamavedam.

The Mahavaakya “Ayamaatma Brahma” is extracted from the
Mandukyopanishat which is obtained from the Adharvana vedam.

(Continued .... )  


Anonymous said...

There are 5vedas 1.rig veda2.sama veda3.yajur veda 4.atharvana veda 5.pranava veda

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