What are the Vedas and  how they are
diverged into all directions ? – III

The Vedas are classified as Samhitam, Brahmanam, Aaranyakam and

The Asrama Dharam are formed into four categories. They are Brahmacharyam,
Gruhasthaasramam, Vanaprastham and Sanyaasramam.

  1. The Samhitam consists of Mantra Kaanda which can be seen in Brahmacharya.
  2. The Brahmanam consists of the Karmakaanda which is Gruhasthaasramam

  1. The Aranyakam contains completely the Upasana Kanda which is Vanaprashta

  1. The Upanishats are containing Jnanakaanda which is Sanyasramam.

In Brahmacharya asrama dharma is Mantrasamhitam
In the Gruhastha asrama dharma is Karmakaanda
In the Vanaprastha asrama dharma which is Upasana with worship,
Japa, meditation etc.,
In the Sanyasa asrama dharma which is Jnanakanda and completley
away from the illusionary world and  for attaining emancipation.

The Upavedas are classified into Ayurvedam, Dhanurvedam, Gandharvavedam
and Ardhasastram

The Darshanas are six  (Shaddarsanas) and they are Nyaya, Vaiseshika, Saankhya,
Yoga, Meemaamsa and Vedanta .

The Darsanas are known as Asthika Philosophy which they believe
in  Vedas. The Meemaamsa is  known as Poorva Meemaamsa which is
Karma meemaamsa.

The Shaddarsana are the six systems of Hindu Thoughts of Sanatana Dharmam.
The Nyaya was written by Gotama. The Vaiseshika was written by Kannada,
The Saankhya was written by Kapila. The Yoga was written by Patanjali.
The Purvameemaamsa was written by Gemini and the Uttara meemaamsa
or the Vedanta was written by Vyasa Bhagavan.

In Sutras the Brahma sutras are considered  as high .


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