What are the Vedas and  how they are 
diverged into all directions ? –V

About the Upanishads, the eleven Upanishads which are  most essential
and came into limelight because of  the complete annotations were
 given by SreeAdi Sankaracharya.
We know the Upanishads were derived from the Vedas only.

The Isavaasyopanisht, Kenopanishat, Kathopanishat, Prasnopanishat,
Mandukyopanishat, Mundakopanishat, Swetaswataropanishat,
Ttaittareeyopanishat, Itareyopanishat, Chandagyopanishat and
the Bruhadaranyakopanishat.

The Mundakopanishat, the Mandukyopanishat and the Prasnopanishat
are these three Upanishats  belong to the Adharvana vedam.

The Brudaanyakopanishat, the Kathopanishat, the Isavasyopanishat,
the Swetaaswataropanishat, and the Ttaittareeyopanishat are
belonging to the Yajurvedam.

The Kenopanishat and the Chandogyopanishat both these Upanishats
belong to the Saamavedam.

The Itareyopanishat only one Upanishat belong to the Rugvedam.

The Mahavaakyas which are celebrated from the eleven Upanishats
have an excellent evaluation in the Philosophical scriptures.

The Mahavakyas are  1. “ Ayamaatma Brahma”.
2. “Pragnaanam Brahma”,  3. “Tattwamasi”,
4. “Aham Brahmasmi”.

The Mahavaakya “ Pragnanam Brahma” extracted from the
Itareyopanishat which derived from the Rugvedam.

The Mahavaakya “ Aham Brahmasmi” which is genealoged from the
Bruhadaranyakopanishat which is obtained from the Yajurvedam.

The Mahavaakya “ Tattwamasi” derived from the Chandagyopanishat
which is derived from the Saamavedam.

The Mahavaakya “Ayamaatma Brahma” is extracted from the
Mandukyopanishat which is obtained from the Adharvana vedam.

(Continued .... )  

What are the Vedas and  how
they are diverged into all directions ? – IV

The Smrutis are Upanishats.  The discuss about the Upanishads
which is a great thing in the Philosy.
The Upanishads are known as Vedanta.
The relation between the Atma, Anaadi, Jeevah and Jeeveswara and the
enquire for self is also completely  known in Upanishads.
The Upa ni Shad means
Upa  =  close or near by,
Ni   =   devoted or relax
Shad  = to destroy ( Sraddha)

Sitting devotedly and attentively near the Athma and destroy the Anadi
  means to accquire the Jnanam for self relization.

Hence, the Upanishads has got such a magnanimous meaning.

Many Upanishad are found  in Vedas. More than hundred and eight
Upanishads can be seen.
But the most essential Upanishads are eleven which are considered
and commentated by Sree Adi Sankaracharya.

The eleven Upanishads are derived from the four Vedas.

The Upanishads Isa, Kena, Katha, Prasna, Mundaka, Maandukya,
Swetaswatara, Ttaittareeya, Itareya, Chandagya and Bruhadaranyaka
are considered  and most popular.

( Continued ....)

What are the Vedas and  how they are
diverged into all directions ? – III

The Vedas are classified as Samhitam, Brahmanam, Aaranyakam and

The Asrama Dharam are formed into four categories. They are Brahmacharyam,
Gruhasthaasramam, Vanaprastham and Sanyaasramam.

  1. The Samhitam consists of Mantra Kaanda which can be seen in Brahmacharya.
  2. The Brahmanam consists of the Karmakaanda which is Gruhasthaasramam

  1. The Aranyakam contains completely the Upasana Kanda which is Vanaprashta

  1. The Upanishats are containing Jnanakaanda which is Sanyasramam.

In Brahmacharya asrama dharma is Mantrasamhitam
In the Gruhastha asrama dharma is Karmakaanda
In the Vanaprastha asrama dharma which is Upasana with worship,
Japa, meditation etc.,
In the Sanyasa asrama dharma which is Jnanakanda and completley
away from the illusionary world and  for attaining emancipation.

The Upavedas are classified into Ayurvedam, Dhanurvedam, Gandharvavedam
and Ardhasastram

The Darshanas are six  (Shaddarsanas) and they are Nyaya, Vaiseshika, Saankhya,
Yoga, Meemaamsa and Vedanta .

The Darsanas are known as Asthika Philosophy which they believe
in  Vedas. The Meemaamsa is  known as Poorva Meemaamsa which is
Karma meemaamsa.

The Shaddarsana are the six systems of Hindu Thoughts of Sanatana Dharmam.
The Nyaya was written by Gotama. The Vaiseshika was written by Kannada,
The Saankhya was written by Kapila. The Yoga was written by Patanjali.
The Purvameemaamsa was written by Gemini and the Uttara meemaamsa
or the Vedanta was written by Vyasa Bhagavan.

In Sutras the Brahma sutras are considered  as high .

What are the Vedas and  how they
are diverged into all directions ? – II

We are discussing about the Vedas and their Branches.

Now the Vedangas in  which the Siksha teaches clearly about
 how to enunciate (Uccharana)  all the Aksharam and the Swaram  (words and Notes)
 in the Vedas.

The Vyakaranam teaches completely about the analysis of
Susabdam and Apasabdam which are known as grammatical components.

The Cchandassu teaches about the superiority of the Vruttam (kind of poetic
meter)  of all the Mantras (sacred Hymns).

The Niruktam teaches about the  strenuous affirmative words of all the Mantras.

The Jyotisham  predicts about the duties of when to perform the Yagnas, Yagaas 
etc ., according to the respective time and its portentous events.

The Niruktam teaches about the duties of  the  pursuits
 of the programmes by enchanting the Mantras.

After the Vedangaas, the Upanishats takes the next position.

(to be continued ....) 

What are the Vedas and  how they are
diverged into all directions ? - I

We know the Vedas are four and they are  Rugvedam, Yajurvedam, Saamavedam and Adharvana vedam. The Vedas are sterling in Pramaanikam means highest in
standards and no other Praamaanikam in the world except the Vedas only.

In the Yagna Yagaas , the Veda Hymns are chanted. 

The Rugvedam is also known as Houtravedam.
The Yajurvedam is also called as Ttaittareeyam.
The Saamavedam is also known as Udgaatruvedam.
And the Adharvana Vedam is also called as Brahma Vedam.

In the Rugvedam the Mantras  which are sacred hymns are called as Rukku.
The Mantras are called in the Yajurvedam as Panasa.
The Saamam means Singing. So  the Mantras in the Saamavedam are sung.
And this Vedam is known as Saamavedam and also Udgaatruvedam.
The Adharvana vedam has got many Santhi and Poushtika observances , hence
this vedam is  called as Brahmavedam.

The Vedas are known as Sruti which consists of Nigama and Amnayam.

The Upavedas, Vedangaas , Upanishats (Smruti) , Darshanas, Puraanaas,Itihasas and
 Seculars   are all derived from the Vedas.

The Vedangaas has got six branches (Saakha).
They are 1)  Siksha.  2) Vyakaranam.  3) Cchandassu.
4) Niruktam. 5) Jyotisham.  and  6) Kalpam.

( to be Continued .....)

What are the vital things in the Vedas ?

We know the Vedas are four and they are  Rugvedam,
 Yajurvedam, Saamavedam and Adharvana vedam.

In the Yagna Yagaas , the Veda Hymns are chanted. 
The Rugvedam is also known as Houtravedam. The Yajurvedam is also called
as Ttaittareeyam. The Saamavedam is also known as Udgaatruvedam.
And the Adharvana Vedam is also called as Brahma Vedam.

In the Rugvedam the Mantras  which are sacred hymns are called as Rukku.
The Mantras are called in the Yajurvedam as Panasa.
The Saamam means Singing. So  the Mantras in the Saamavedam are sung.
And this Vedam is known as Saamavedam and also Udgaatruvedam.

Vedas are the supreme knowledge not only
for the mankind but alos to the entire universe.

Without knowlede (Gnanam) man can not survive.
All the Sastras including the science which we
 study thesedays , everything  that  has  derived from the Vedas.

The Vedas are Apourusheyaah means no man chanted
the Mantras, slokas  and said anything to us .
The most Divine  voice has come from the sky
about the Vedas and made us know about the Vedas.

The Rugveda tells mainly about the things of
 cultivation, commerce,and trading,   Ships, flying
vehicles which are flights in the space and the systems.
 All the knowledge of those sastras can be studied from Rugveda.

The Yajurvedam is divided into two parts,
which are Krishna Yajurvedam and Sukla Yajurvedam.

In the Krishna Yajurvedam, the Karma
siddhantam (ideology and theorem) , the theorem
of Mathametics, health and medicine,  the science
of the Space, (the Antariksha Vignanam Sastram) are said.

In the Sukla Yajurvedam, it is said about the
Creation, Brahma Vidya  and other spiritual things.

In the Saamavedam, there are many branches
(sections which are also called Saakhah), mostly
 one thousand sections can be seen what the scholars say.
But presently only few branches of the Saamavedam
are availble to us.
This Saamavedam is based on Sangeetham
which is to be enchanted in a musical way. This Vedam is also known as Gaana Vedam.

The Adharvana vedam says about the Prayers
 of the God,  Celibacy (Brahmacharyam), meditaion
about the Andhraatham, religious percept and  austerity for the religious practices etc.,