Sankhyaa Bodhanam (Numerical Teaching) from Hindu
Vedic Scripts. What are they ?  Part -I

1) Trikalam :               Bhootakalam, Bhavishyatkalam and Vartamanakalam

2) Trilokam :               Patalalokam, Manushyalokam and Swargalokam

3) Trimurthys :           Brahma, Vishnu and Maheswarah

4) Trimatacharyas:     Sankracharya, Ramanujacharya and Madhwacharya

5) Trigunas :               Satwaguna, Rajoguna and Tamoguna

6) Trikaranam :           Manah, Vak (Speech) and Kriya (Action)

7) Chaturvedah :         Rugvedah,  Yajurvedah, Samavedah and Adharvanavedah

8)  Kavitrayam :          Nannayya, Tikkanna and Yerrapraggada ( from Andhra Scripts)

9)  Vayo Avasthah:      Balyaavastha, Kaumaram, Yavvanam and Vardhakyam

10) Purushardhah :     Dharah, Artha, Kamah and Mokshah

11) Panchabhootah :   Bhoomih, Water, Agni, Vayuh and Akasam

12) Pancha Gangah :   Ganges, Godavari, Krishna, Tungabhadra and Cauveri (Kaveri)

13) Pancha Pranah :    Pranam, Apana, Vyana, Vudana and Samana

14) Pancha Pitarah (fathers) :  His own father (given birth to him), The Guru (teacher) who 
                                       gave  him education and wisdom, Who made him to get education, 
                                       rescud him from the troubles and distress, the King who rules his       
                                       country ( or kingdom)

15) Pancha Matarah ( five mothers)  :  His own mother (gave birth to him), the lady who   
                                         broght him up , The Guru’s wife (teacher’s wife), eleder brother’s
                                         wife (sister-in-law), His wife’s own mother (mother-in-law)


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