Why  are the Mother and Father superior than any one in this world ?

In the Upanishads say first of all we should have to respect our mother and father and then others. In Taittireeya Upanishd, it says “ Maatru Devo Bhava, Pitru Devo Bhava, Acharya Devo Bhava and Atidhi Devo Bhava ”., comes in order.

So first and first Mohter ( Maata) is to be respcted.

Every one borns in this Universe by  the form  of  a man with  the complxion of  face,head  (eyes,nose, mouth, ears etc) , hands, legs etc.,. It is the main reason of our parents (mohter and father), and the Gruhasthasrama Dharma says many Dharah about a wife and husband and their household life. 

Mother is ultimately the cause for carrying the infant in her womb for nine months and after that with much labour pains she  delivers the  baby. After that she brings up the baby with much care of love  and sacrifices her life for the growth of the baby.  

Here, we can know  Mother is the ultimately the real and first  teacher to her child and children.  For the birth of the baby, Father is the main factor. After the baby is born father takes so much care for her/his education, acquiring knowledge, and make them grow greatly in this world. So father also comes next to mother who is to be respected.
Because of this, the ancient classical texts say mother and father both are the Pratyaksha Daivah ( appearing Gods )
in this world.
So one should not hurt  their parents and put them into troubles. It is a great sin also. Parents’ blessings are always needed to their children.

In the Mahabharata, the Yaksha ( one of the Deities) asked some questions ( they are called Yaksha Prasnas), Dharmaraja 

(Yudhishtira) replied so appropriately. One of the questions of Yaksha, was , “which is the most heaviest thing and which is highest of all things”. Then the Dharma Raja reples  like this “ Maataa gurutaraa Bhoomeyh Pitaa vuchhatarascha khat”.

The meanng for that is, the Mother is more heavier than the Earth and the Father is more higher than the Sky ( Space).

Who ( Which ) is the real friend to the man ( from Manu Smruthi)  ?

Of all the creatures Man is ultimately  the superior to all. He has got  speech and discretion
which is wisdom. But by nature, he is born with Satwa, Rajo and Tamo gunas and also with previous samskaras. Even then by his discretion ( which is a great knowledge) he can create peace and happyness in this world.

When  the  man borns, he borns as a single and at the time his death, he leaves this body single. In  between the birth and death, the  life is nothing but a show which a drama.

Hence,  for this temporary life, he should have to live rightfully and virtually. Every step of his life he has to follow the Dharma which is a strictful law. The  meaning for Dharma is difficult to explain, because, it changes time to time, situation to situation  and etc.,

So, the Dharmah is only the truthful friend to the man in this world. The God is in the form of Dharma if we follow and do it correctly, certainly we will be blessed by Him.
In Manu Smruthi , he says

“Ekah Prajaayate Jantureka Eva praleeyate,
Eko anubhumkte sukruta meka evacha dushkrutam ” .

The Man borns as a single person, and when  he dies, he dies as a single person. Like that he himself experiences his own Happiness and Sorrowness for his actions.

Though if the man earns a lot of money, though he may be king of the country, what ever he has, it will not go along with him when he dies.

“ Mrutam Sareeramutsrujya Kashtaloshtasamam kshitow
vimukhaa baandhavaa yaanti Dhrmasthamanugachhanti ”

This body is like a stick , like a lump of mud which is mortal. When the man dies, his realtives and others leaves that  corpse in the graveyard and do the Uttarakriya and go to their houses. But that dead man will be cremated in the burrial ground. What ever he earns does not come along with him. But only one goes with him, which is  only Dharmam.

What are the real Honours ( from Manu Smruti)

“ Vittam Bandhu rvayah Karma Vidyabhavati Panchamee

Etani manyasthanani gareeyo yadyaduttaram ”

In general these present days, people think that Money does give the honour and other status. If one does have the money every thing will be achieved, what the present prejudice the people have and act according to gain money even in wrong ways.

But in Manu Smruti, it is said that is absolutely wrong notion if one has that ideas.

Manu says, in this world there are five great things to obtain the real Honours for a human being.

The first one which gives the true Honour is Education. If a man is qualified with knowledge, he will be honoured highly.

The second thing for the Honour is doing his duties without expecting any result. The life is for Karmaacharanam, means doing the duties (actions).

The third one for Honour is his age . He has to do his actions according to the age in the righteous way.

The fourth thing for Honour is his relatives. If the man has the above said things and if he is an affectionate to all, then through relatives his Honour will be increased.

The fifth one is for Honour is Money. The man should earn the money legally without any

injustice. And he should spend it for the duties and his livelihood. So through Money also he can get the real prestiege.
What are the things always useful to others and Shine themselves ?

If we see or think deeply some of the things are very useful and liking to all and also
they are glitter with glory. This is so common to any where and any one.

The village or town or city where there the good people and scholars live, the melodious music with correct scale (sruti) , the Penance with perception and spiritual knowledge, the knowledgeable Doctor, the education with intelligence, the most delicious dinner, the sweet fragranted flowers are always useful and also shine forever.
Sankhyaa Bodhanam (Numerical Teaching) from Hindu
Vedic Scripts. What are they ?  Part –III

1) Sapta Dweepah :          Jamboo Dweepa, Paksha  Dweepa, Saaka Dweepa, Krouncha
                                          Dweepa, Saalmalee Dweepa, Pushkara Dweepa, Yu Dweepa

2) Sapta Vyasanas :         Drinking of toddy (Alcohol), Gambling, Carnal Desire for woman,
        (Vices)                      Hunting, Cruality, theft and Accusing others.

3) Ashta Kashtam (hardship) :  Penury (Poverty), Slavery, a widower , Without help from
                                       any one every thing he has to work for himself and otherself,
                                            Begging , Totally failure of  all efforts,  Suffering with chronical

4) Nava Rasas (discernments) :  Amorousness (Srungaram), Comicness (Haasyam),
                                                Compassion (Karuna), Valour (Veeram), Fierce (Rowdram),
                                                Frightness (Bhayanakam),  Horrorism (Bheebhatsam),
                                                Marvellous (Adhbhutam),  Peaceness (Santham)

5) Nava Ratnas (Gems) :       Diamond (Vajram),  Lapis Lazuli  (Vaidhooryam),
                                                Greencoloured topaz, (Gomedhikam)                                                                                      
                                           Topaz (Pushyaragam), Emerald (Marakatam),
                                                 Ruby (Manikyam),  Blue Supphire (Indra Neelam), Pearl
                                                 (Mowktikam), Coral (Pravalam)

6) Nava Dhanyam (Grains) ;    Paddy (Vadlu), Horsegram (Vulavalu), Greengram (Pesalu)
         (Pulses)                           Blackgram (Minumulu), Gingili seeds (Nuvvulu),  Wheat
                                                  (Godhuma), Cowgram (Anumulu) (called  as Dolichos loblob),
                                                  Red gram (kandulu) and Bengal gram (Senagalu or Chana )

7) Ashtadasa Puranas   :         Bhagavatam, Naradeeyam, Markendeyam, Agneyam, rahma
                                                       (Eighteen Mythologies)       Puranm, Padma Puranam,                                              ,                                                   Vaishnava Puranam,    Saivapuranam,
                                                 Bhavishyatpuranam, Brahmandapuranam, Brahmavaivartaka
                                                 Puranam, Lingapuranam, Varahapuranam, kaandapuranam,
                                                  Koormapuranam, Vamanapuranam, Matsyapuranam,

Sankhyaa Bodhanam (Numerical Teaching) from Hindu
Vedic Scripts. What are they ?  Part –II

1) Panchangam :               Tidhi, Vaaram (week), Nakshatram, Yogam and                 Karanam

2) Panchamrutam :           Milk, Curd, Ghee, Honey and Cocunutwater or Sugar water

3) Pancha Maha Papah (great sins) :   Who steals the Gold, drinking liquor adyapanam)
                                            Brahma Hatya ( killing Vedic purusha or killing the Cow , killing a           
                                            pregnant lady or killing his own parents etc), coition with his 
                                            teacher’s wife, and friendship with wicked people (scoundrels)

4) Karmendriyas :               Vaak (speech), Pani, Padah, Payuvu and Upashtam

5) Arishadvargah :              Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Mada,  and Matsarya m

6) Sapta MahaRushayah (Great Sages) :  Gowtama Maharshi, Viswamitra maharshi,
                                        Bharadwaja Maharshi, Atri Maharshi, Vasishta Maharshi, Kasyapa 
                                              Maharshi, and Jamadagni Maharshi
7) Sapta Lokas (Voordhwa) :  Bhoolokam, Bhuvarlokam, Suvarlokam, Maharlokam,
                                              Janolokam ,Tapolokam and Satyalokam    

8) Sapta Lokas ( Adholokah) :  Atalam, Vitalam, Sutalam, Rasatalam, Talaatalam, Mahatalam
                                                    and paatalam

Sankhyaa Bodhanam (Numerical Teaching) from Hindu
Vedic Scripts. What are they ?  Part -I

1) Trikalam :               Bhootakalam, Bhavishyatkalam and Vartamanakalam

2) Trilokam :               Patalalokam, Manushyalokam and Swargalokam

3) Trimurthys :           Brahma, Vishnu and Maheswarah

4) Trimatacharyas:     Sankracharya, Ramanujacharya and Madhwacharya

5) Trigunas :               Satwaguna, Rajoguna and Tamoguna

6) Trikaranam :           Manah, Vak (Speech) and Kriya (Action)

7) Chaturvedah :         Rugvedah,  Yajurvedah, Samavedah and Adharvanavedah

8)  Kavitrayam :          Nannayya, Tikkanna and Yerrapraggada ( from Andhra Scripts)

9)  Vayo Avasthah:      Balyaavastha, Kaumaram, Yavvanam and Vardhakyam

10) Purushardhah :     Dharah, Artha, Kamah and Mokshah

11) Panchabhootah :   Bhoomih, Water, Agni, Vayuh and Akasam

12) Pancha Gangah :   Ganges, Godavari, Krishna, Tungabhadra and Cauveri (Kaveri)

13) Pancha Pranah :    Pranam, Apana, Vyana, Vudana and Samana

14) Pancha Pitarah (fathers) :  His own father (given birth to him), The Guru (teacher) who 
                                       gave  him education and wisdom, Who made him to get education, 
                                       rescud him from the troubles and distress, the King who rules his       
                                       country ( or kingdom)

15) Pancha Matarah ( five mothers)  :  His own mother (gave birth to him), the lady who   
                                         broght him up , The Guru’s wife (teacher’s wife), eleder brother’s
                                         wife (sister-in-law), His wife’s own mother (mother-in-law)

What are the good habits for good health ?

Because of our ancient scripts, many  principles said to one and all for the good health. All we know the Health is wealth.
Who eats the pure and balanced diet twice a day is the reason for the good health. After meals one has to stroll for certain distance. It will be so good for the digestion and also for the body excercise. One should have the sufficient sleep and taking bath etc., in the order of time. Keeping the mind with out tensions.  One has to drink  plenty of pure water timely.
All these make us healthy.

What are the bad habits for ill-health ?

We can see in lifes, though they are very young, some people fall sick due to the observing the irregular habits.

Eating excessively, means taking food 3 or 4 times. Always grieve and feels unhappy in mind.  Unncessarily too much roaming.  Taking bath after eating food. Eating the left over and fermented food. Controlling the urine and excretion. Keeping the mind with tensions. All these are caused for sickness. 
Who are the Superiors ?

In life  we can find the Superiors who do the best to us.  In Hindu ancient scripts say the first and first is father. Second one is who is a protector. The third one is who takes away our fearness and protect us. The fourth one  who supports us  on our troubles and hardships. The fifth one who educate us with the ultimate knowledge. The sixth one who preaches the virtues and goodness for our conduct and character. All of these are treated as Superiors.

Who are the inferiors ?

The  first one is the person who is disobedient and does not have humility to his master. The second one who is most arrogarant though he does not have any qualities.  The man who puts his prents into troubles and make them to suffer in life. The  person who is  having ingratitude for others who help him. The man who always  mocks at others. All these people are called as inferiors in the world.