Where  do we have to  start the
circumbulation to the Nava Grahas ?

The Karma Phalam which is previous birth’s

result of Papa and Punya must be

experienced in this present birth.

It is believed that the  fate is known in

 the form of planetary force and their effects.

The life is full of ups and downs.

 The symbolic of the day is for the  happiness

and the night is for the  meseries.

But utlimately if we study, the man is  steeped

 into  the ocean of    sorrowness  than the happiness.

Except grief in this life, the happiness

can not be found. Why ?

It is because of our ignorance and also

  that we are living in the illusion.

But simultaneously  the sacred scripts

 said the remedies for those sufferins.

The man is karma jeevi and has a

strong belief in the Karma kanda.

 He  wants to come out from that meseries.

Hence, he follows the religious 

rituals what is said in  the scripts.

Regarding the circumbulation to the Nava Grahas,

 while doing the Pradakshina ,we have to

enchant the Aditya Stotram,starting from

 the Surya graha and complete one round a

nd come to the Surya Graha,

it means completing of one pradakshina.

 So, like wise, the  remaining eight

 circumbulations have to be done for other

 Grahas like, Chandra, Angaraka (Mars), Rahu,

Saturn (Sani), Kethu, Guru (Jupiter),

Budha (mercury) and Sukra (Venus).

The Idols of Navagrahas are installed in

different directions according to the sastra.

The Surya graha is installed facing towards

the east and also in the middle of other grahas.

The Moon is installed towards the south east.  

 The Mars towards the south, the Rahu is

 installed towards the South west .

The Saturn is installed towards the west.

The Kethu is towards north west.

The Jupiter is towards the north.

The Budha is installed towards the north east

and the Venus is installed towards the east.

Why the Veda snana whirlpools are
 constructed in the Temples ?

In the panch bhootas (five elements),

the water has been given the important

role as it is most essential for all the

creatures in this universe.

Without  food man can survive for few days.

But without  water one can not live even for few hours.

Water is  vital , it is lit and also life.

For drinking, cooking  dishes,  cleaning,

washing  for every kind of  work and

 for every thing , the water is needed.

We can not discuss about the importance

of the water since we are experienced .

We  should not enter the temples  with impurity. 

Uncleanliness is every where restricted .

And  in the temples, it is totally banned.

 We  have to purify ourselves.

 All the scripts say we must have the

Antah suchi as well as Baahya suchi.

 When we want to visit the temples means

without  devotion we will not go  there.

 The devotion itself is purity of the heart.

 Like that, baahya suchi is also compulsory.

 That means, we have to purify ourselve bodily also.

 Then automatically the antaha suchi

( inner purification) will be taken place.

The Veda Snana whirlpools which are

constructed in the temples for the

 sake of purification in all aspects.

On the occasions  of festivals and other

 religious ritual time,  the temple priests

make the Deities’ Idols for Chakra snanam  by

chanting Mantras  in those Veda snana whirlpools (pit).

 By doing this auspicious thing, the temple

 lotus tank ( Pushkarini) gets  become  divineful purity. 

The Yogis, Sidhhas (santly persons) and the

Sages take their bath in those Pushkarini

which is veda snana whirlpool.

After their bath, we  have to enter the

 puskarini and dip into that seven times 

and then finally wipe off with upper cloth.

But while getting dried, first we have to

 wipe the back side , then face and orderly.

After coming out of the Pushkarini, on the bank,

 Vibhuti should be applied on the forehead and

also put the Kumkuma  and then go for the

 Daiva Darshan in side the temple.

By doing this, every one will attain  the Grace of God.

 Even a common man also has to follow that custom.

How to offer the  broken Coconut
to the God as prasadam ?

In this universe, everything is bestowed by the God only.

 Man may discover the things and also

invent the things by his intellect.

But the intelligence has also been given by Him.

Unless there is a certain reason, nothing

is developed in this world.

For every creation, there is a  certain summum bonum

(paramaardham), if it is studied widely.

Nothing is permanent in this world.

 Yadrusyam Tannasyam (tat nasyam).

What ever is seen that will be perished.

 This world which is seen to us that will also be temporary.

 So, the philosophy says, we must have a spiritual life

 and live for the sacrifisation and ultimately know Thyself.

But the Anthahakarana chatushtayam

(Manah, Buddhi, Chittam, and Ahamkaara)

does  have the previous samskaras and  every moment

 follows the prakruti which is illusion by their Gunas.

 Understanding the  philosophy is a difficult one

  and  also it is more difficult  to put into practice.

 Probably many births may be taken place

 for  implementing truly  in   the life.

Regarding offering the Coconut, after the pooja ,

the broken coconut shells must not be seen by us

(means they should not be placed towards us)

which is inauspicious .

 The broken coconut (the white part) shells  which is offered

are seen towards the Lord.

What is the secrete behind living 
hundred years (Purnaayush) ?

What  the medical sceince tells today that was

 advised long time ago  about our eating principles (food habits).

 Our kitchen room is itself an pharmaceutical shop.

 If we follow the  food habits strictly  which were

 said  long time ago,  that itself is a healthy principles

and we can survive upto hudren years.

It was said, we have to eat the breakfast  in the

morning as Prince, and eat the lunch as a King

 in the afternoon and take the supper as an Emperor at night.

At nights we have to eat less food.

 In general we have to take less cooked rice

 but eat dishes more and chew the food well for easy digestion.

And we should be away from the coffee, teac,  alcoholics,

smoking and other vices.

Walking, excercises, sleeping well at nights, early to get up,

disciplinary life and other good habits

must be put into our daily practice.

So, then, the longvity  will naturally be increased.

Is there any cause for begetting the children
when  circumbulate  around the jointly
 grown Peepul and Neem trees ?

We already discussed about the Peepul and  the

 Neem trees in the temples which are grown jointly.

The couple those  ( the wife and husband)  who do not

 have progeny, are advised,  if they circumbulate

both the trees for some days, it is said in the scripts

there is every chance to beget  the children.

Why the elders give that advise for the couple

 to circumbulation (Pradakshina) , means

there is a reason in devotional and health point of views.

The leaves of the Peepul tree has got the magnetism.

 While doing the circumbulation, the magnetism mix up

with the oxygen and enter into the body and the

chemical formation is made for the source of offspring in the ovary.

It is in the customs, that   one has to circumbulate

 those Peepul and Neem trees atleast  twenty seven times.

There is also a reason for that.

The Peepul is a long-living tree.

 More over, the peepul has got the male part  (Purusha Amsa)

and the Neem tree has got the female part.

 As the two trees are grown up jointly at one place

and if the couple circumbulate them ,

the body can grasp (take) the amlajanitham

( which is Oxygen) and that oxygen prevents the

 contraception ( garbhadoshas).

 And doing the circumbulation many times and

 for many days, and the sunlight comes  through

 those trees and reaches the body and that  causes

 for developing the power of uterus and there is

every possibility for begetting the offspring.

Some thousands years ago,  the ancient  Sages

knew this  health secret and said  there  is

  simultaneously  another benefic for spirituality.

Why do the ladies light the ghee lamps 
in the  plantain trunks and  
 leave them on the rivers ?

The customs are being brought forward  since the

ancient time for the good to the mankind.

In every custom, if we enquire into that, it is

believed  some thing benefit or goodness or

 prosperity or auspiciousness etc.,   can be achieved.

Ultimately the result would be good.

Desa, Kaala, Maana paristhiti means, according  to the

 place, time and energy, the customs are  done.

 In some places in certain months i.e., in some maasa

like Chaitra maasa, Kaartika maasa and some

 other maasa like  Maargaseersha or Maagha maasa etc ,

 the people do the pooja with the lamps by

leaving them on the rivers or sometimes  on the ocean.

Specially the lamps which are lit with the

Cow’s ghee  are placed in the plantain trunks

 and leave them on  the  layer of the river.

The plantain trunks are so auspicious and also popular for these customs.

The maidens (unmarried girls) who want a

 good husband in all aspect, they light the lamp

 in the plantain trunk and leave them

on the water of  rivers and also in the temple tanks.

Even the married women also  do the same

process for the sake of welfare of their husbands.

First they worship the God or Goddes according

to the Maasa and light the lamp with the

Goghrutam (cow ghee) and place the lamps

 on the trunks and leave them in the rivers or

tanks or in the ocean where there is an occasion

 comes   to attend for the Samudra snanam

 (bathing in the ocean) on certain festivals.

They wake   up early in the morning, take  a

 long strolling in the serenity and leave

the lamps in the rivers  means in the atomosphere,

 the  natural cool breeze enters into their  bodies

  and make them charmness and because

 of this also they will have  the love of their spouses.

The maidens will come into the views of the

 elders,  and there will be more  chances

 for the marriages  to be taken place early.

Besides that,  the devotion and  piousness ,

the auspicious festive occasions and also 

the functions can be happened in this

 materialistic world what the customs are proved.

Which earned  money can not be
 received to the next generatrions ?

The life must be lead according to the

 religious principles,  on the path of  Dharma.

 Every movement and every where man’s life

 can be very hard if he safeguard the Pietiness.

Even earning the money should also be on the  righteous path .

People earn so much money and become weathy.

The next generations of that family may receive

that weath or may not, that  only it depends upon

 in which way the wealth was earned by their ancestors.

The money which was earned in the code of law and

rightmindednessly by the predecessors is considered.

The wealth which was gained through

 the truthfully  and also lawfully can be

got transferred to the next generation.

The money which was earned by falsehood

 and outragely  can certainly be deprived off.

The money which is earned on higher interest amount

that  can not be preserved for a long time.

But the money earned on very reasonable interest

 amount,  that would be safeguarded for long time.

The money which was not earned by the  

ladies  that can be reserved for some time .

Without deserveness the  money which is earned

by forcebly and refuge can not be ptotected ,

 so that money can  also be lost.

The money which is earned by others intelligence

but not by us, that money can also be perished.

Therefore, overall , the Dharma  tells us the

 money must be eanred lawfully.

What kind of benefit can be achieved if the
 food is taken on the leaves of Almond tree. ?

The  Herbal treatment is always considered as

superior than any thing since without knowing

or with knowing right from the birth,

the life is totally related with the nature (Prakruti).

 The process of the nature and its benefit 

can not  be explained in a single word.

The nature is more than a Doctor,

more than a protector and more than a mother.

The God can be identified through the nature.

If we study the Ayurveda Medical Science,

 unimaginary things can be known and

we will be suriprized how that

 our lives  are survived in the form of Nature.

Regarding to the point ...

 the Almonds is nourishing fruit and also

their  leaves are considered for the benefic to the health.

Those who are suffering with the constipation

 due to the indigestion and who has  the related

 problem with the intestines, it is advised if they

 can  take their food (meal) on the leaves of

Almond tree, the digesting system can be set right

in order and they do not have constipation

and  the  health will become  good. 

Which sneeze is considered as an  auspicious ?

Sneezing is  quite common in the body when there

an  allergetic process takes place in the nose and the throat.

In the customs, even for that it is believed the Sneezing

 is sometimes good and in some other times inauspicious.

There is a belief when we started any work and

anything, if anyone sneezes then  it is considered as   ..

Sneezing one time is not good.

The Sneezing at the time of sitting is good.

When we are wearing the new cloths,

if any body seenzed, it is considered as auspicious.

Before taking our meals if anyone seenzes, or

we sneeze, it is treated as good.

When we start the sowing in the fields for

 the cultivation, if anyone sneezes, that is considered as auspicious.

In the marriages, it is considered in  a negative aspect.