One should not trample and sit on the Gateway. What is the meaning for applying turmeric powder to that ( the Threshold) ?

All the Hindus  worship the Threshold as Goddess. Also think that Goddess Sri Mahalakshmi is in the form of the Threshold. So we do not trample it and also sit on that. Even if  the children do those two things without knowledge, the elders immediatley forbid them and make them know the reason.

In the evening twilight, Lord Sri Maha Vishnuh was in the incarnation of Sri Narasimha Swamy in Kruta Yuga, on this Threshold itself he    killed the might Demon Hiranya Kasipu  for the sake of this  World Peace. The boy, Prahlada  who was a great Devotee of Lord Sri Vishnu who was the son of Hiranya Kasipu. In the list of great Vaishnava Devootees, Prahlada comes first.
At the Threshold, the negative vibrations spread.

As this Threshold is symbol of Sri Mahalakshmi , that is adorned  with the turmeric powder and Kumkum  and worship that.

More over,in olden days in villages, snakes went  round every where and came into the house. So the people used to apply much turmeric powder to the Threshold (Gateway), with that strong odour of the turmeric the snakes and also other poison insects did not enter the house. 
Which money (wealth) is superior ?

1)His own earned money is always highest good.

2)The Patrimony or hereditary estate which is the second best.

3) The money or assets one who got from his brohers or wifeis inferior than above.

4) The money who got from ladies is always inferior than  inferior.

Hence it is said the money or wealth who got from ladies will be treated as meanial and disregarded.

“Uttamam  swarjitam vittam madhyamam Pituraarjitam,
Adhamam Bhratru Jaayaadi Stree vittam adhamaadhamam”.

Why a Hindu  Married Lady  must wear  Nalla Poosalu  (Neela Manayah in Sanskrit) around her neck ?

Nallapoosalu means Neela Manayah in Sanskrit and they very small black glass beeds. They are studded on thin golden chain.  It is a tradition in Hindu Customs for a married woman  to wear those Nallapoosalu as a chain around her neck after marriage along with Mangala Sootram (auspicious thread with a gold pendent tied around the bride at the time of marriage) .
Any Depraved power  (Dushta Sakti) from the  wicked people , should not be fallen on her Mangala Sootram of a Hindu Married Lady, after marriage she wears compulsorily that Nallapoosalu (a chain of black glass small beeds) along with Mangalasootram. For not only this reason, the Nallapoosalu is the powerful symbol of success for  her progeny, wealth, prosperity,  and  all the luxurious life.The Nallapoosalu is mainly the symbol  for also the most auspicious life with her husband with full of happiness and the life for Sowbhagyavati which is a happy state of wifehood.
What are the five auspicious things for a Hindu Lady ?

Every Hindu feels  thinks that a hindu lLady always must have five auspicious things in her life when her husband is alive.
The Kumkum (crocum powder) on her forehead,  Mangalyam around her neck which is known as Mangala Sootram  (Auspicious thread with a gold pendent tied around the neck),  Flowers on the tuft of  her  head,  wearing Bangles to  both of her hands, and finally wearing toe-rings made either in silver or gold.Whenever her  husband see  the wife ,  those auspicious items must be appeared from her. 
What are the duties of Snanam (bathing) and in which place the bath is best  for all ?

“ Na  Snaana maacharedbhuktwaa Naaturo n mahanisi, Na Vaasobhih sahaajasthram naavignaate jalaasaye ”.
“Nadeeshu Devakhateshu Tataakeshu Sarassu cha, Snanam samaacharennityam gartaprasravaneshu cha ”.
Even for taking bath in the day, many conditions are said as.. One should not take bath after meals. when a patient should not take snanam, in the midnight one ought not to take bath, should not do bath by wearing many cloths, without knowing the enronment one should not take bath in any new tank or pond.
In the Sacred Rivers like Ganges, Godavari, Krishna, Cauveri etc , the Sacred Tanks (Tatakaas) built by Devahs or celestial Gods, and other holy water places it is permitted to take  bath. .
The Four Yugas and the condition of its Law. What are they ?

We already know that we have four Yugas, Kruta Yuga, Treta Yuga, Dwapara Yuga and Kali Yuga.
In Kruta Yuga the Dharma was complete in four Paadas. In Treta Yuga the same Dharma was in three paadas. In Dwapara yuga it was in two paadas. In this Kali yuga the Dharma is in one paada. The Truth also is existed in the same ratio.
“ Chatushpaatsakalo Dharmah Satyam chaiva Krute yuge, Naadharenaagamah kschinmanushyaa nprativartate.”
The Truth, Justice, conduct, Character etc everything is decreased totally when the yugas are chaged. We can imagine how the people are living with moral values in this Kali Yuga.
“ Tapah param Krutayuge Tretaayam Gnana muchyate, Dwapare Yagnamevaahu rdanamekam Kalau Yuge.”
In all the above said four Yugas , the pepance, Self Reliazation (attains Brahman), doing Yagnah, Charity etc, are called as  Dharmah, though Penance  in Kruta Yuga Gnanam in Treta Yuga, Yagnah in Dwapara yuga, and Daana (Charity) in Kali yuga are being strongly known as Dharmah. Even then In Kali Yuga  also man has to lead with moral and justful life without doing harm to any other creature what the scriptures say.
With whom should we  not have disuptes as per   from Manu Smruthih ?

Under any circumstance the man must not have any controversies to any person. in  the Society. But , essentially even then there is a reason for the dispute he should not do with these people those who are .....
1.Vedic Scholars ( Rythvics) , 2. Purohit (Priest) , 3. Acharya ( Guru), 4. Maternal Uncle ( Maatulah in Sanskrit Language) , 5. A Guest  (Adhithi) who is invited to our Home , 6. Children , 7. An Old Man , 8. Patient , 9. Doctor (Vaidyah) , 10. Well Known Person  (Gnatih) , 11. Son in law’s  or Daughter in law’s  parents , 12.Relative , 13. Own  Parents,  14. Sisters , 15. Brothers , 16. Son, 17. Daughter , 18. Spouse , 18. Servant.

Wwe hear from the Scripts  in Tretayuga Sri Ramachandra ruled the Ayodhya kingdon as Rama Rajya where there were no Calamities, famine, disputes, no scarcity for any thing
What are the reasonable  ways of earning money from Manu Smrutih  ?

Manu  wrote in his Manu Smruthi  how to live a man in the society by following the justice and customs in every step.  Dharma (Alms)  is the ultimate  goal to the mankind even in the hardships, he utters in each Sloka.

Regarding earning money, Manu  says  it is rightful  if the money comes through the seven ways to a  man, then there will not be any unjustful . If not,  the money would be illegal for the man to enjoy it in his life.  The lawful money is ...

“ Sapta Vittaagamaa Dharmyaadaayo Laabhah Krayojayah Prayogah Karma yogascha Satpratigraha eva chah ”

1. Inheritable assets from his kith and kin,   2. Any mines from his ground, or any money from his friends,  3. By purchasing any asset or any valubale thing, defeting the other King who is enemy (means other king’s  kingdom or any property),  5. By means of Interest which is so lawful without doing harm to others,  6. By means of business and cultivation,   7. By taking Gift or Donation or Charity which totally rightful at that time. But for earning money through Interest he said so many laws.
How many kinds of baths ?

We know that every one takes bath  with water. But it is said there are some kinds of baths during certain occasions.The Pious and  also Othodoxy people follow the rituals of such kind of baths.
Maanasa Snanam, Dhyana Snanam, Mantra Snanam and Divyatwa Snanam.
Maanasa Snanam (bath) : Scrubing the sacred ashes (Vibhuti)  around the body and worship Lord Maheswara.
Dhyana Snanam : It is also named as Varunam. This kind of bath is done by remembering Sacred Rivers like Ganges, Saraswati, Godavari, Krishna, Kaveri etc at their places     “Gange cha Yamune chaiva Godavari Saraswati, Narmade Sinchu Kaveri Jalesmin Sannidhim Kuru. ”
Mantra Snanam :  Taking the bath By Chanting the Hymns (from Vedic Scripts)
Mruttika Snanam : Means the mud which  brought from the Sacred Rivers and Holy Places and taking the bath with that.
Celestial Snanam :  In the Uttarayana season  taking bath   when it is raining in the Sunshine which is Celestial of all.
On Festival Times,  why the Vadapappu is offered  as Prasadam ?.

In India we have many Festivals. On each festival day we do pooja to the God or Goddess and offered Pindi Vantalu (   Food Delicacies )                      inluding fruits and other special items.  When the worship is over we also take the Pindi Vantalu. . Naturally sometimes according to the compositions of Body with the qualities of  Kapha, Vaata etc we will fall sick. But at the same time  on the  Festivals simultaneously Vadapappu (split green gramsoaked in water offered to a Deity) and also Panakam (kind of soft drink made by mixing jaggery in water with a dash of pepper and cardamom powder) are also made and offered.
By taking  Vadapappu and Panakam , they both make the digesting system in order and protect from the diseases. Hence compulsorily these  two iems are made on that time.
The Results for taking oil bath (anointing) on different  weeks. What are they ?.

Pure, clean, fresh, neat, refine, tidiness, trim .... all are same  more or less. In this Universe Water is the first and foremost food to the creatures. We can not live with out water. We use and spend more and more water for our daily life. We drink, cook, take bath, and wash and for all our  purposes  the Water is most necessary.  For example we drink water immediately when we get up from the bed. .So the life starts with drinking water. Water clean everything. We use more water for our bath and also for head bath.. Upto this it is okay. In India the head bath means taking bath with oil rubbing on the head.   According to the  Sastras (sacred scripts) it is said the results  for the  anointment (Abhyangana Snanam).
Suppose  if we take head bath or oil bath on Sundays the heat in the body will go away.
The head bath on Mondays the result is the beauty of the body is icreased.
Taking head bath on Tuesdays is inauspicious.
On Wednesdays it is prosperity in business and daily life.
On Thursdays it is unfortune to money.
On Fridays it happens  unforeseen troubles
On Saturdays  it is said  of getting more luxuries in the form of money and comforts.
The Scripts say that the Ladies are eligible for doing head bath in all the days irrespective of the weeks. But for the Men it is restricted the head bath on particulars weeks like on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays.
No remedy for the  Five Great Crimes (Sins).(Pancha Patakah)
What are they ?.

The Upanishads are the branches of the Vedas.The Vedas are the Praamaanika (highest standard) for this world. They were not written as scripts wise. They are being called as Apaurusheayas which means  no human being said , just the Holy Hymns (Vedic)  had been heard from the Space.
In the Upanishads, it  is explained everything to us how to live and behave  and what is the ultimate goal of life for reaching the highest Truth, which is Paramatma. Nishkaama Karma Renunciation and Service are the stairs to attain Supreme Soul.
 Though there are 108 Upanishads are popular out of them the 11 Upanishads are  very renowned.
The Cchandogya Upanishad (Cchandogyopanishad) mentions in  this way in the  fifth chapter
 “Stheno Hiranyasya Suram Pibag scha guro sthalpa, Maavasan Brahmahaa cha ethe patanti cchatwarah panchama schaa charag  sthai riti ” .
Those  who steal Hiranyam (Gold), who drink wine (Surapaana sevanam), Illicit  association with their teacher ( Guru Patni Samagamam), Assassination of a Brahma Gnani ( murdering a Self realized Soul) all these fourpersons  come into one category of great Criminals. And the fifth one  who makes friendship ( or join association ) with all the above said four Criminals , he will also become a Criminal. Hence all the five persons are  called Pancha  Maha Patakah (Five Great Criminals)..
  1. The Wonders of  Wordly Detachments, really  they are not.. But,  what are they ?

The meaning of Detachment ( it is called  Vairagyam in Sanskrit Language )  is  renouncing the world which is quite opposite to the Attachment. The attachment  means   engrafted from the  root  (cementing) with the Samsara ( Ahmkara and Mamakara which  is “I” and “My”) which can not be abandoned from us births together.
 I am and my family, my wife, my children,  my wealth, my power, my status my qualification, my beautiness, my assets,  my palace  etc., every thing is purely attachment in the mind.
 Suppose if we have everything what is  said above ,will  we be  really happy in the mundane world ?. If we  go deep into the reality of attachment, we can proximately  know that there is no happiness, no comfortness, no peace at all except sufferings and sorrowness. For this we can not give any explanation as we are having   attachment lives.So we can give so many  best  examples about the results of attachment  which is  nothing  but hell.. Although knowing this truth we can not come out of from the mouths of wild animals of attachment.
No one said leave this Samsara (wife children, family etc) but live in this world like a water drop on the lotur petal.
If we detache from the attachment truly we can have a supreme bliss for ever. This is more than 100% true. Only great Souls like  Adi Sankaracharya, Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, and  many others  could  detach from the Samsara means rebirth..  We believe in the rebirth. Punarapi Jananam Punarapi Maranam ( again birth and again death ... the circle goes on with endless). The Pakruti Maya (Natural Delusion) is so mightier  than any thing in this world.
 But ... even then   we sometimes illusionarly fall into the  feelings of detachment for certain time on some occasions.
On three occasions  the feelings of detachment from this world happen .
They are called  1) Prasuti Vairagyam , 2) Smasana Vairagyam , 3) Purana Vairagyam.
1)      Prasuti Vairagyam . Prasuti means giving birth to a child. Vairagyam means detachment (renouncing).
Every woman after marriage leads the marital life  with her husband so happily. She thinks that marital life is iteself a Heaven. But after her pregnancy when 9 months completed, at  the time of parturition (labour)  in the  maternity ward when she suffers a lot  with  unbearable labour pains, she prays God and  thinks she does not want  any happy marital  life with husband for the child to give birth.But after giving birth to the baby, after few days, she lives with her husband  as it is what she was .  This is called Prasuti Vairagyam
2)     Smasana Vairagyam. Smasana means grave yard.
If we see a dead body or look at the mortal body in the burial ground  we just fall into Vairagyam and remain in thought of that one day we  will also   die and leave this world , then why should we live with all these wicked thoughts and do deceiptful and harmful deeds to others.. he remians in the feelings of detachment for  some time. When once he leaves the grave yard we forget and live  as it is  ... what we were  . This is called Smasana Vairagyam.
3)     Puran Vairagyam. Purana means Mythological (ancient  text )
A well learned scholar  teaches about the Reality and Unreality of the world and, mortality and immortality of the life   though the characters of the Mythological scriptures. The listeners go to the Temples in the morning and evening and  listen to those teachings from him. They can understand and accept the truth of  the life. Life  is not permanant. Any moment  one will die. Life is like a bubble. Its life is so momentary. Like wise we are also temporary  as they think and fall into the deep Vairagya Bhava (the feelings of detachment). At that time they memorize  about the life’s many hardships, grieves, temporary happiness, and pains. But once when they leave that sacred place, he lives  (they live)  as it is ... what he was (they were)..
So the  most wonderful thing of this life is the  man/woman  always has  those three kinds of Vairagyas which are circumstantially temperary. Are these  are not wonders ?.

 What are the Dwadasa Adityas ?

The Sun is also God to the Hindus. He is Karma Sakshi (who is witness for all  our actions). The Sun is called in different  twelve names  as Dhata, Aryama, Mitra, Varuna, Indra, Vivswantah, Trishnah, Vishnuh, Taryamah, Bhaga, Poosha, and  Kratuh.
We have twelve months  in  Hindu Almanac.  The Almanac starts from Chaitra Maasa according to the Lunar System. The names of those twelve months ... Chaitra Maasa, Vaisakha, Jyeshya, Ashadha, Sravana, Bhadrapada, Aaswayuja, Kaartika, Margasira, Pushya, Maagha and Phalghuna Maasa.
In this Universe, the Sun in different names in different months give sustraining energic force to the entire Earth. And the names of Sun in those months are ... 1) for Chaitra Maasa (month) the Sun is called as Dhata, 2) for Vaisakha the Sun  is Aryama, 3) for Jyeshta Maasa the Sun is called as Mitrah, 4) for Aashadha is varunah, 5) for Sravana Maasa the Sun is Indrah, 6) for Bhadrapada Maasa the Sun is Vivaswantah, 7) for Aaswayuja is Trishnah, 8) for Kaartika Maasa the Sun is Vishunh, 9) for Maargasira is Taryamah, 10) for Pushya Maasa the Sun is Bhagah, 11) for Maagha Maasa is Pooshah, 12) for Phalghuna Maasa the Sun is Kratuh. Hence the Sun in different names  is the Lord of those different  months. 
Doing  the  Sandhya Vandanam  (Obeisance to the  Dawn) at

what time ?.

It is said the Sandhya Vandanam is performed three times a day.
The day is divided into  three parts which is compared with the LIfe.The first one is birth (production), the second is , full blooming (development) and the third is destruction (death). In a Day  30 minutes before the  Sun rise in the morning all the Stars in the sky disappear.The Sandhya Vandanam (Obeisance to the Dawn) must be begun before the Starts vanish and finish when the Sun rises completely  in the East. The Second time when the Sun in the middle,  almost at 12 noon.  And the third time  Sandhya Vandanam is to be performed in the twilight before the Sun sets in the west ( means 30 minutes before ).

 The Day is divided into 24 hours or 60 Ghatikas  which is  defined in the Astrology. 24 hours are equal to 60 Ghatikas. One hour is equal  two and a half Ghatikas. Thirty minutes is equal to one Ghatika and 30 Vighatikas . So approximately calculate the time for the Sandhya Vandanam and do it timely and regularly. “  Naa Gayatryah Param Mantram ”. Savitri is another name for Gayatri. So worshipoubg  the Gayatri Maha mantrah  at that time.
The Consequence for the repeation of  Mantra of Prayer (Japah) at different places. What are they ?

 We know some of us take Mantra Deeksha (the vow for repeation of prayer) and do the Sadhana by counting of the beads of Rosary. The Mantra may be a Panchakshari, or Ashtakshari or Dwadasaakshari like this.But It is said if we do the Japam (repeation of Prayers) at the Prayer hall of our house, the result will be to  some extent. At the places of Sacred Rivers like Ganges, Godavari, Krishna, Kaveri etc., the result will be two fold than the houses. If the  same Japam is done in the cow-shed (Gosaala) would be the result of 100 times. If it is in the Yaga Saala (Sacred place for Hawan, Sacrifice) the result will be more than in the  Gosaala.If the Japam is done in the Sacred places like Haridwar, Triveni Sangamam (Prayaga), Kasi, Pushkara time the result will be ten thousand times. If it is in the presence of Lord Shiva the result would be superior than the above. If the Japam is done by sitting  on the Vyaghrajinam (the skin of a Tiger) or Krishnaajinam (skin of a black deer) will attain Moksha. If the places like floor, soil, screen of bamboos,wood etc., one will get sorrows, defame, poverty, diseases and other negative results. Rugvedah and Saamavedah both once reformed as a Deer on some circumstance. So the Krishnajinam (the skin of a Deer) is supreme to all..

What is the Benefit of Almanac  ( Hindu Panchangam)

In this Universe the Time and Date unitedly  play a  cardinal role not only in the lives of human beings and also on  the other creatures. Without both of them no life is existed and nothing is existed. For everything in the life the Time and Date are the root cause for the Birth and Death, Joyness and Sorrow, Success and Failure , Sleeping and Awaking, troubles and Happiness, Wealth and Poverty,loss and gain  for what not? If we decompose any  thing we can know immediately the answer could be  the Time and  Date. If we contemplate the pair of that, we will  accept the truth and also astonish about that. The  wonderful truth in this universe is Time and Date and simultaneously which can not be judged, estimated and imagined even for scholars and intellectuals.
In our lives, man always follows and depends on the Almanac.. Without that he can not live and can not do any thing. Right from the birth, till the departure of his Soul from the mortal body he does all ritual things  according to the signs given by the Almanc.  The good and bad in the particular time of a particular  date,  what man always solicitously watches and tries to know the perception.
In our Mythology, Brahma Devah  in the Trimurthy is the Creator  having five faces (Panchaanana). The five faces look towards the East, South, West, North and elevation.  The Hindu Alamanac is called as Panchangam. Panchangam means the calendar  which has  five limbs (branches). So the Panchangam was born from the five faces of Brahma Deva who is a Creator.
In the Panchangam the five limbs (branches) are Tidhi, Vaara, Nakshatra, Yoga and Karanam.  Now, from the first face of Brahma Deva which look towards the East,  the Tidhi  has come out. From the second face towards the South, the Vaaram was born. From the third face towards the West, the Nakshatra has come out. From the fourth face towards the North, the Yoga was born. And the last, the fifth face towards the elevation, the Karanam has come out. Hence , the confluencing of  these  five limbs (branches) are called  Panchangam.
The  wealth and  longvity (Ayuh)  are increased  due to Tidhi and Vaaram. The declining of Sinful from the Nakshatra, the perishing of diseases from  the Yoga and the attaining of success from the Karanam will be happened.
Tidhi:   In a calendar there are fifteen (15) Tidhis. In a month (30 days) the first 15 days are Sukla Paksha and the next 15 days are Krishna Paksha. So the Tidhis are repeated again.
Vaaram: (Weeks) We know there are seven weeks.
Nakshatra : (Stars) The Nakshatras are 27.
Yoga :  Yogas are 27.
Karanam: The Karanams are 11.
According to the Almanac  we have Lunar system and Solar system. Some of our Indians follow Lunar system ( Chandra Maana) and some other follow Solar system (Surya Maana). The Chandra Maana (Lunar bases) starts every year  from Chaitra Maasa Sukla Paksha Padhyami onwards which almost comes either in March or April. The Surya Maana (Solar bases) starts when Sun enters the Aries. That almost begins either on 14th April or sometimes 15th April of every year.

Do really  relatives visit our house when Crow shrieks ?.
Yes .   Why ?

In the olden days, when there were no any kind of transport  facilities, communication, and any other techonoly, Birds were so useful  to  the  mankind for sending the messages, news  e tc., from one place to another place. They used to depend on the Birds and think they are like messengers.Normally those days in India most of the people live only in the villages.They used to send their news, messages by the Birds.  By nature birds and pet animals live whereever the people live. Crows also  live there only in  the  trees. If any new specie of Bird or Birds from new place  come to that village, the Crows start scream at a time. This means people can understand some new Birds entered the village and immediately they could guess that theie relatives sent some news by Birds from other places .And also think that their relatives are going to visit their house. So now we can understand the inner meaning of Crow’s screaming.
More over when a crow falls and dies before us, those days people never used to take food. immediately. For some hours  they did not use to take their food. It was the custom observed by the people. If they eat immediatley , they used to  feel it would be a bad thing. 
Is Amaavasya (new moon day) Good or Bad ?

Most of the people belief  the Amaavasya (new moon day) (15th day in Krishna Paksha or Bahula pakasha) is bad for all the rituals and auspicious things. Even on that day (Amaavasya day) no one does take up any affairs  or transactions and feels as bad omen.
 But in the Dwapara yuga in the Mahabharata the  Pandavas started Kurukshetra war against Kauravas  on Amaavasya day and had the triumph. That Victory  shows the symbol for Dharma (alms, Virtues). As the Pandavas were Dharmagnas (those who know the Dharma and follow that). Therefore Amaavasya was the auspicious time (Muhurtam) for their Victory.
In India some of the states Amaavasya is treated as an asupicious day and do the affairs and asupcious transactions from that  day onwards. For example  in the  state of Tamilnadu people consider it.

The Miracle (Mahima) of Pushkara Bath
Why ?  

The  twelve great  Rivers have been treated as so Sacred in India since the ancient time. For every twelve years each river gets the Pushkara Samayah. At that time the name of deity,  Pushkara will be in that river for that period. Any one who dips in the river of Pushkara Teertha, certainly all of  his/her sins will be treated right from their birth  and becomes holy. At the holy time of Pushkara not only of us  even all the dieties, Gods, Goddess will come to the Earth and do the bath and attains purity.Such a miracle and greatness has been given for the Pushkara Teertha bath.  

On all the twelve days the devotees do the Japa, Daana, Vrata,other sacred rituals and believe if they do those rituals one will attain the heavenly results and also the liberation. In the planets, the Jupiter (Guru Grahah) who is a teacher of Devatas when enters in the zodiac sign (out of 12 signs) the particular River will have the Pushkara Teertha. Suppose, the Jupiter enters in the Aries the river  Ganges is treated as the Pushkara teertha. like that

What for Upanayanam
(Thread Marriage)

"Janmana  Jaayate Soodrah, Karmana Jaayate Brahmanah ".

After completing fifth year, the Upanayanam is performed traditionally.. Because of Upanayanam  the boy begets the  Dwijatwa Siddhi. Means he gets the second birth to attain eternal knowledge in his life. Then he starts his Aksharabhyasa ( Education). Akshara is the meaning of eternal.  He can have the ability of  worship for learning  Vidya.   Vidya means Knowledge. When once the Upanayanam is over the boy worships Gaayatri Mata and enchant the Mantra. With this power he attains the Knwoledge and Sceience through education.In the   guidance of Teacher (Guru) he learns and enters into household life (Gruhasthasram) and earns all the comforts and happiness by leading Virtuous life. In the Upanayanam we can see  two words.Upa and Nayanam. Nayanam means Netram (eye) which is for sight. Sarvendriyaanam Nayanam Pradhanam. Here Nayanam means Jnana Chaksshuvu. Upa means close. So close to the Knwoledge, i.e, Jnanam. In the creation, all the species of birds have two lives.They are called as Dwijah. In Hinduism it is applied to  Brahmanah.. Upanayanam makes him as Dwijah.