The Meaning of Pradakshinam
Prakashinam (clock wise direction)
to the Bhagavan (Lord).
The sacred meaning of
Pra da kshi na
a) the letter Pra for the destruction of all sins
(Paapa vinaa)
b) the letter da for bestowing all wealth and
fulfilling the desires
c) the letter kshi for bestowing liberation
or auscipious rebirth.
d) the letter na for eliminating our ignorance
and bestowing self reliazation.
In the Mythologies even the deities,
gods and angels did pradakshinam to
the God and attained great cosmic powers.
That Pradakshina who does for God
would be self (Athma) Pradakshina
and also doing to this entire Universe.
In Hinduism every moment and each
breath of human being stands ( is bound )
for auscipious life Godlyness
with Self reliazaton and finally
to attain Supreme Soul
which is called Paramathma.
I appreciate your efforts, keep up the good work.
Vijay Khanna
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