
Washing the feet before entering the Temple
 Why ?.

After taking bath only we visit the Temple. When we go out we use foot wear . In the entrance of the temple we leave them and wash our feet with the water from tap or well or tank etc.,  Even though we had bath before starting the house , we have to wash as we stand on the earth element which is    one of  the    Pancha Bhootas (Five Elements) and pray to the Bhagawan who is the  Lord of  this Universe and also the Pancha Bhootas and memorize that we are coming to You for Your Darshan. When we wash the feet that we have to see  without any spotted skin in the feet and also the hands and also wash the mouth by gargling and leave the water out and sprinkle some water on our head.. For the prayer the mouth should also be washed. And pray sincerely  to Him “ O Lord ! I have come in front of You,with mercy bless  me ” and meditate in the temple for some time. Hence the customs have been adopted by our early  enlightened men.


Taking  the Teertham (holy water) inside.
 For what reason ?

After worshipping the God or any other holy occasion of festivals, Hawan, Yagna etc.,or in the temples  the Teertham will be given three times. The first Teertham is for the purification of our body (sareera suddhi), the sencond Teertham is for our good conduct and to follow  the right Dharma and the third Teertham is for the God for attaining liberation.

Akaala Mrutyu haranam Sarva Vyadhi Nivaranam,
Samastha Papa Samanam (kshayam) Vishnu padodakam Subham (Namaami).

What are the  auspicious things   to be glanced  
 after awaking (coming out of sleep)

After waking from bed, if we  see our Ishta Daivam, or  gold, or Ocean, or  his own image  in the mirror, or  Punya Stree (one who has her living husband), or  the cow with its calf, or auspicious mango festoons, or  turmeric coloured cloths, or holy  basil plants, it is said that   we can have  that entire day as prosperous.


On should do the right work at the right time.

What are they ?

Whatever the doctrines were said for us  in the Sastras  which can not be counted and they were also   written on the dried  Palm tree  leaves. They have been called Taala Patra Grandhas.

In a day to day life even there are hundereds of duties to attend ...even millions of Dollars or Rupees  will be offered freely, we must eat our food first  at the meals time (lunch or supper whatever it is ) without taking our  food we should not attend any other work. Even there are thousands of duties are in pending we  mustfirst take our  bath t and do the Nitya Anushtanam (Poojaadi Kaaryakramas) (Worship the God like sandhya vandanam, Nitya Pooja etc) . We  should not neglect that under any circumstances. If we have many problems which can not solved ,at the same time when we thought of giving charities to others or atleast if we have an idea of that, without postponing that idea, immediately we ought to give the charity to whom we wanted to give.  Even there are uncountable  duties to attend, first give the preference to do the Pooja of Lord Sree Vishnu. If we do all the above said ritual  duties at the said right time , there will not any person as happiest as than any  one in the world. Hence all we must follow the duties timely. Our lives are tied up with the time, means Kala. The meaning of it is mrutyuh (death). So the Jeeva, before leaving this Parthiva Sareerah (mortal body) all must do the duties propertly and timely,  what our Sastras say.

Dharmo Rakshati Rakshitah” Why ? Who said ?

Dharmo Rakshati Rakshitah”

Why ?  Who said ?

Lord Sreemannarayana was incarnated as Sree Ramachandra in the Treta Yuga. In the great epic ( Maha Kaavya) of Valmiki’s  Sree Ramayana, Kaikeyi asked her two boons to her husband, Sree Dasaradha Chakravarthi, who gave them to  her long time ago in the war between Devasura, because she assisted   Dasaradha at that time. In the Balakanda ending when she asked him (Dasaradha) the boons , he grieved and got fainted. Because he had great love and affection on Sree Rama. Just knowing the words of Kaikeyi’s boons  to Dasaradha, Sree Ramachandra was earnestly prepared for exiling to the forest and to  spend there for  14 years. Here Dasaradha Chakravarthi (King) did not inform or say about Kaikeyi’s boons to Sree Rama.            ( means Sree Rama should    go  to the forest for 14 years and Kaikeyi’s  own son Bharata has to have the Coronation and become the king of Ayodhya kingdom) 
At the time , when Sree Ramachandra was going to forest, his mother, Kausalya said  to him “ O my dear Sree Rama, have always chivalrous, law of firm principles, and follow the Dharma (alms) for ever. If you do and  follow and protect  the  Dharma, unquestionably and undoubtedly the same Dharma shelter you and defence you ”. Here mother was  the Teacher (Guru) to Sree Rama. For this reason the word “ Dharmo Rakshati Rakshitah”  came into existence in the scripts  and the world . Sree Ramachandra is also  well known as

"Raamo Vigrahavan Dharmah".

Why the Festoons are decorated to the doorway at the auspcious time

Why the Festoons are decorated to the doorway at the

auspcious time 

The upper beam of the door is the symbol for  Goddess Sree Lakshm.
So the green mango festoonswith flowers  are tied for expressing our piety.
Like wise the lower beam of the door is treated as  so sacred , so that
it is  decorated with turmeric and crimson powders and worshipped.

Why one should not touch the back side of ( prushta )Temple ?.

Why one should not touch
the back side of ( prushta ) the Temple ?.

When doing Pradakshina (Circumbulation) to the God in the temple,
 one should not touch the back side of the temple. There the
Raakshasas (demons)  stay.  Hence one must not touch while doing
Pradakshinas. And do the Pranam (Salutation) away from that part
without touching

Saluting (Namaskarah) to Mother is more Holiness than any thing in this world.. Why ?

Saluting (Namaskarah) to Mother  is more
 Holiness than any thing in this world..
        Why ?

In our Hinduism  a Saint (Sanyasi) who renounced this world , before taking his Sanyasa Deeksha ( Renounced Devotion) he must take permission from his mother. The mother wholeheatedly should  give  the permission to his son for his Sanyasa Deeksha. Then only the Sanyasian’s Vow will be fruitful. Not only that, a Sanyasi pays his respects in the form of salutation (Namaskarah) to his mother only, not to any human being on this earth. Not even to his father also. Even father himself salute to his son who once became a Sanyasi. Hence the mother is regarded as highly as any thing in this world. According to the Sastras, if we pay respects to our mother, the result (rewards)  of that is more greater than any thing like if we do circumbulation the globe six times,  if we visit the Kasi Kshetra and have the Darshan of Lord Viswanadha, more times taking dips in the Ganges, more than 100 times taking bath in the Ocean will not be  equal to just paying our sincere Namaskarh to our mother . More than ten times the reward or results or benefit can be got than those above said Bhoo Pradakshin,  Kasi Kshetra Samdarshan, taking many baths in the Ganga river and many more baths in the Oceans. Hence mother is always highly respcted eathly Goddess.

Both Pipal tree and Neem tree are cultivated up in Temples. Why ?

Both Pipal tree and Neem tree

are cultivated up in Temples.
Why ?

The Pipal and Neem trees are grown combinedly in
the Temples. Hindu Vedic Scripts say that the Pipal

tree  (Aswatha Vruksha)  and the Neem tree
(Nimba Vruksha) are the symbols of Lord
Sree Maha Vishnu  and Sree Maha Lakshmi
respectively. By worshipping those two trees and
doing circumbulation , the couple  can free from their
evilness (sins) and their family life will be happy
for ever. Those who are having the bad effect of
Saturn (Sani Graha) they have to worship Pipal
(Aswatha) tree and also  embrace it, so that
many evil effects of theirs will be eliminated.
Under this Pipal (Ashwatha) tree only ,
 Gauta Buddha attained the  self realization through
pepance and enlightment under this Pipal
(Ashwatha) tree only. It is also called
Bodhi Vruksha. 

Lord Sree Krishna’s incranation ended in
Dwapara Yuga by taking rest under this Pipal tree
only and abode the Sree Vaikuntha  More over
 Lord Sree Krishna  can been seen as a Bala Krishna
on the Pipal leaf which floats on water.
This means though we are in the Samsara
(“I” ness and “My” ness) by self knowledge
we can not be effected by  Maha Maya.
The air which  comes from the Neem (Nimba)
tree cures so many diseases. India has patenet rights
for Neem trees. In Ayurvedic Science great benefic is given
in many ways for the Neem tree. In the backyards  of our houses the
Pipal trees should not be grown up. The Neem trees can be grown up
either front or backside of the house.


Highest digit in


All we know that the highest digit is “9”.
So, what is the greatness of  “9”.
In Hinduism there are four Yugas.

       1.  Kruta Yuga,  2. Tretaa Yuga
      3. Dwapara Yuga    and 4. Kali Yuga.

Kruta Yuga has 17, 28, 000 years

Tretaa Yuga has 12,96,000 years

Dwapara Yuga has 8,64,000 years

Kali Yuga has 4,32,000 years

Now we are in the Kali Yuga.

In Mahabharata there are 18 Parvas (chapters)
Mahabharata War had taken place in 18 days.
In that war there were 18 Akshuhinees of military
took place.
In Sri madbhagavadgita,  18 Adhyayas (chapters)
are there.

Sri Veda Vyasa (Krishnadwaipayana)
wrote 18 Puranas and 18 Upa Puranas.
In human body there are 9 apertures.
A pregnant mother carries 9 months
and then gives birth to baby.

In a day for 24 hours there  are 8640

We take breath 27000 times in a day.
The pulse rate is also 72 per minute.

In Astrological science 9 planets
play a  key role on each invidual human being.

In worshipping the God or Goddess the 
Ashtottari Pooja there are 108 names

We can find many if we pursue
like that.

All the above is “9”.

The digit 9 is most dynamic 
sprite,  elevates to higher 
position and gives comforts
 and also spirituality .  Hence we believe
 that “9”  has  some mystic power.

We can see every where  those 
who are having vehicles,
they first give the preference to
 the number 9 in total
in their   number plates like
4725 or 2340 or 5679 or 3636 or
6363 or   4554 etc.,

The Meaning of Pradakshinam (circumambulatin)

The Meaning of Pradakshinam


In a Hindu Temple we do the
Prakashinam (clock wise direction)
 to the Bhagavan  (Lord).

The sacred meaning of
Pra da kshi na

a) the letter Pra for the destruction of all sins
(Paapa vinaa)

b) the letter da for bestowing all wealth and
fulfilling the desires

c) the letter kshi  for bestowing liberation
   or auscipious rebirth.

d) the letter na for eliminating our ignorance

    and bestowing self reliazation.

In the Mythologies even the deities,
gods and angels did pradakshinam to
the God and attained great cosmic  powers.
That Pradakshina who does  for God
would be self (Athma) Pradakshina
and also doing to this entire Universe.

In Hinduism every moment and each
breath of human being stands ( is  bound )
for auscipious life Godlyness
with Self reliazaton and finally
to attain Supreme Soul
which is called  Paramathma.

Hindu Customs and Beliefs

Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya 
Om Namo Bhagavate Ramachandraya

Sarve bhavantu sukhinah , Sarve santu niramayah

Sarve bhadrani pasyantu , maa kachhid Dukhabhagbhavet

Sarve Janah Sukhino Bhavantu                                                                        


The earnest desire of ever human being wants to be in the spared  of problems in the life. He will like to be ever immersed in happiness.

Asmin Jagati Pipeeli kaadi Brhma Paryantam Sarvah Sukha meva Ichhanti.

(The meaning, right from the smallest creature like ant to the

Supreme Lord Brahman desires to be in  the utmost happiness)

For the creature it is a materialistic (temporary) Happiness

but for the Brahman that Happiness is called

Blissfulness (Permanent).

Hinduism is the most ancient religion on  this earth globe.

India is basically a country of Hindu religion. In this country every aspect of life is administrated  by religion. As Indians have been living on the clemency of the nature, the elements of the nature have become part of the religion in this country. Belief is a proof that a particular thing is true. It is the belief in the existence of an unseen power;; the belief in the existence of heaven  and hell (Swarga and Naraka)

and the belief in the immortality of soul.

 The belief in the existence of an unseen power leads a man to right action (Karma) because he believes that his actions are being watched by an unseen power. The belief in reincarnation keeps the man away from wrongful acts because he believes that in order to have a good birth in next life, he must do good acts in this life. The belief in Nemesis also regulates man’s behaviour because he believes that he will be punished for his sins, here and now. The fourth belief in the existence of hell and heaven influences a man to virtuous acts and avoid sins in order to go to heaven or avoid going to hell after death. Heaven is a place full of luxuries, fairies and romance. Hell is a place of terror, miseries and torture. The last belief in the immortality of the soul leads a man to avoid such actions as will cause pain to the souls of the deceased ancestors. Beliefs are powerful influences on human actions. They are vital for human relations. Beliefs may be true or false. They may be founded on factual or faulty evidence, but the question of their validity does not necessarily determine their effectiveness as social/ self controls. We act with as much determination from false beliefs as from factually sound ones. Social suggestions (life examples of great men) or ideologies,  are social control methods for the society as a group, but for the individual, some other means are:  The Hindu ethical code attaches great importance to values such as truth, right conduct, love, peace
and non violence. All Hindu ceremonies, rituals and worships end with a prayer for universal peace and


An important principle in the Hindu thought is the law of Karma. It is the law of cause and effect in which

each and every action has a reaction, generating conditions to be experienced within this lifetime or the

You have the right to work, but never to the fruit of work.

The work should do like a Nishkama Karma.  You should never engage in action for the sake of expecting any result, nor should you long for inaction. Perform work in this world, Arjuna, as a man established within himself—without selfish attachments, and alike in success and defeat. For Karma yoga is perfect evenness of mind.

(Bhagavad Gita)


Religious Customs are the long established habits and usage of the people since the Yugas.Right from the Yugas generations together the customs that have persisted to practise in human life. It is being

continued and carried forward to their next generation..  Hindus believe if those customes

are done according to the Desa Kala mana (Region, place, time etc)

they will be happy and blessed with the auspicious things and also

finally get the Liberation (Emancipation). They are followed because they have been followed in the past. The customs are so powerful that no one can escape their range.

 They are held so sacred that any violation is regarded not only a social crime, but also a desecration These Religious Customs are

so many , that can not be found in other religion.

Here I am going to present the religious customs (Sampradayam

and Acharam) that were given in our Hindu Sacred Scripts like  Vedas, Sastras, Mythologies etc., which are totally related to the present  life and the death

after life.

Why the Coconut is offered to the God in the Pooja (worship) and what is the reason behind it ?. 

1) On the occasion of worshiping the Diety or in the festival time, or in the

Yagna or Homas  (hawan) and all the holy ritual time the Coconuts are offered to the

respective God or Goddess for the sake of sacred  respct in the form of

that we surrendered to Him /Her (God or Goddess) by taking off Egoism ("I" ness which is called Ahamkara)

(because of Egoism the Ignorance ariss which causes for the rebirth).

The symbolism of offering coconut is ... The upper portion of the coconut

is shell which is Egoism (Ahamkara) that we are now eradicating .

The inside whiteness of the thickest flower is  our mind which is very pure

(thoughtless) submitted to Him and the inside  sweet water is so clean

like a crystal clear to keep one's life like chaste.

The Coconut can be compared with our human body.

a) dried globular skin of the coconut is like  human body's skin.

b) the coir of the coconut  is like a flesh.

c) the thickest whiteness of flower is like human body's element (Dhatuvu)

d) the sweet water is the base of life

e) the three eyes in the form of spots on the top of the  coconut is

human body's  IDA, PINGALA and SUSHUMNA for which

Pranayaham can be performed to attain the eternal bliss.